part 8

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"so, um, this is my house. I tried to clean it but you know how it is when you live with an adult boy."
Really I was the messy one, Conner was always bothering me to tidy, sometimes he even did it after a long night out working or drinking, so usually everything was stuffed into little corners and shoved into draws. We never get guests though, Conner isn't antisocial he just works, a lot. Me, I'm just antisocial.
It wasn't anything special, a three bedroom, one bathroom semi detached. My living room, clothes stuffed in the corners and drawers, blue cushions that don't really match the blue flower wallpaper.
"It's fine, I don't mind. Honestly, I would be just as messy"
We smiled and she sat down on the sofa, I was in the kitchen microwaving popcorn.
"What film do you wanna watch?" I called from the kitchen.
"You've got Titanic. I've never seen it. Can we watch that?"
Titanic. That was something mother left. I've never seen it either, never really been bothered to.
"Are you sure. It's you're choice" I was sure she would choose a horror, I've got all the Saw movies, everything.
And she chooses Titanic.
"Alright, you know how to work the DVD player?"
"Yeah. But I mean who has a DVD player nowadays?"
"I do, popcorns nearly ready so put it on!" I joked.
This was nice. Just talking, laughing with a friend. God. I've never felt this relaxed, this happy.
I split the big bag between two bowls, and we sat down.
"I've never seen this film before," I said.
"Me neither. Now shush, it's starting"
I smiled as we sat, next to one another, so close our shoulders were touching.

Sometime later

We paused the film. Toilet break. And more popcorn. We needed more. I had another bag ready, I bought several. Some for now for us, and done for me tonight while reading.
When I came back, Emily was laying down, her clothes on the floor, wearing nothing but her bra and panties.
"I want you to draw me like one of your french girls" she mocked, positioning herself in the same way Rose did but minutes ago. I tried to protest through my shock, but she wouldn't have it.
"I can't draw," I said and didn't even bother arguing. She looked so beautiful, so confident.
Why was she friends with me? I thought while getting a wad of paper and a pen.
She smiled, and I drew a quick stickman, with very large breasts.
Very large.
I turned it around, and she laughed.
I laughed too.
"Your turn"
"No, you don't want to see me"
"Come on"
"Trust me, it's not pretty"
"Please" she begged.
"Fine, but I'm leaving on the bra and panties" I don't know why I had to remind her of this. She did the same.
She smiled and watched as I  removed my top and pants. Leaving only my black bra and pink panties.
I lay down, feeling cold and bare as if someone had exposed all of me to the world.
My chest with the slight rolls of fat, my hairy thighs, the angry red stretch marks that covered my entire body.
She looked at me and started to draw.
And about five minutes of awkward silence later, she turned it around.
And there I was. She could draw beautifully.
And somehow, she made me look, nice.
"Wow, you can draw really well," I said, quickly pulling on my pants.
"It helps when I have a beautiful subject," she said.
I blushed.
"Don't. Please don't"
"Because we both know you're just saying this to make me feel better. "
Emily looked at me and took my hands in her's.
"Amy. You are beautiful. The most beautiful person I've ever seen, every part of you is beautiful. If you can't see that then you need a new mirror"
That made me blush more. This feeling, it made my whole body shiver.
Why was she saying this?
She put her finger on my lips and pointed at the paused film.
I nodded and went into the kitchen and made some more popcorn.
My mind was racing but I didn't say a word. This moment, whatever it was, was special. I didn't wasn't to be the one to end it. After the popcorn was done, we sat back down. She was still in her bra and panties, whereas I had my pants back on, but my top had fallen down the side of the sofa.
Oh well.
I sat next to her, the one bowl of popcorn lodged between us.
My head on her shoulder, her hand in my hand, playing with it.
Our bare skin just touching.
An hour or so later I was sobbing.
When the film ended she turned to me.
"Aww bless" she smiled.
I felt slightly embarrassed, but I was still crying. I was so emotional, especially with films. I cried so easily it's probably why I don't watch films like this.
"Come here," she said, giving me a hug that made me cry more.
"Amy, I'm home early."
"That's my brother!"I whispered, jumping up yo find my top.
I found it and threw it on. I chucked Emily her top and she put it on just in time.
"Amy whose this?" Conner asked coming in.
"A friend. Emily this is Conner. Conner Emily."
My brother smiled at Emily and then smiled wider at me.
"Aww, I'm so glad my sister has finally got a friend. That's so cute" Conner said hugging me.
"I better be off now," Emily said and with a smile and a wave she left.
"Your top is on inside out," my brother said, smiling as he went to his room.

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