part 27

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John's point of view

Father had searched the town and it's outskirts twice before he came home, shaking his head.
He couldn't find her, he couldn't even pick up Emily's scent.
Whatever she was doing she had hidden them both well.

"Hello. Is this Conner? I'm John a friend of Amy's from school."
I had decided to ring her brother, just because he might know somewhere where Emily might be keeping her.
Not for any other reason.
"Hello. Sorry, my voice is a bit sore." A husky voice said over the slightly distorted line.
"Hello. I'm just calling to ask if you're alright. And to ask if you have seen Amy's friend Emily." I didn't really do subtle, and in this case, it wasn't fair for me to lie to him.
"No. I've not seen her. But I've also never heard Amy mention your name, John was it? She's never mentioned you"
Despite everything that hurt. Maybe because of everything happening with my father, she thought...
Well, I know what she thought. That I was her friend only to get to Emily. To keep an eye on Emily.
Oh, how wrong she was. She was, is my friend because of how kind and funny she is. She has an attitude about her that I love.
And I miss. I've realised that recently this fire of Amy's has slowly been blown out. She's becoming weaker, more dependent on Emily.
I knew from Father that Emily is manipulative, but what she has done to Amy...
I had been so lost in thought that I hadn't realised Conner had hung up.
Damnit. He wasn't going to help me. I was going to have to try another way.
Oh god, I hated doing this.
I walked outside and walked into my mind. I imagined my mind to be a room, filled with bare, grey walls which had room for thousands of brightly coloured windows.
I imagined them all opening at once, letting the sea in.
The thousands of voices from the people in this town and a little beyond, all shouting and whispering at once.
And I filtered through every single one, every second a second closer to drowning in the insanity.
I looked through them all, checking each of their voices until I heard her.
Faint. It was a whisper.
Help me.
I closed all the windows with a bang. All of them except Amy's, a dark blue, the colour of deep water, almost black.

Help me.
Help me.
Amy, Amy if you can hear me I'm coming. Don't worry I'm coming. I will find you. Don't worry. I'm coming.

Authors note
Sorry it's A) a bit shorter than usual and B) taken a little while to come out. It's just I've had a lot, and I mean a hell of a lot of school work to do. And sadly writing this won't help me pass my A-Levels so...
But hopefully, I will be able to get back into the swing of things. If not updates might have to be once every two weeks.
Thank you

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