part 6

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My days started to follow a different sort of structure, instead of hiding away in the corners from everyone, I sat on benches in the middle of the yard so that we could talk.
I moved seats, from the back of the class to wherever she was. I found myself smiling more. Talking more.
Emily stayed the same, talking and smiling, laughing too loudly.
We didn't mention that day again, the fact that she lied. Or the fact that I didn't really care.
We were building, something, and I didn't want to be the one to break it.
"So you live alone?"
"Well, technically no, I live with my older brother most of the time because my parents both work abroad. But my brother is out  most of the time, so yeah, I cook, clean, shop for myself" I love my brother, and he works so that we have enough money to buy nice things, well, nice food that isn't pot noodles. Mother and father pay all the bills, I don't know how they do it from abroad, but they do. Ive seen them what, five, six times since they left. I would say it's hard, but it's not. They never felt like a mum and dad, always mother and father. Conner was all the parent I ever needed.
"So, where do you live?"
"Ooo, why do you want to know that. Are you going to stalk me or something?" She joked.
But she also didn't answer the question.
"No. Of course not"
We sat in silence for a little bit.
"So, who do you live with?"
I wasn't going to let it go.
You should do. Let it go. Keep on talking about anything but this.
"My parents are dead. They died a long time ago"
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to.."
Oh God, what have you done? You should've let it go.
"It's fine. It was a long time ago. I'm not sad about it now. The past is in the past and whatnot. Besides, I was asking you so many questions, it's not fair of me to expect you don't have some of your own." she said giving me a big smile.
I smiled back, and we carried on talking, asking each other about favourite music (indie rock, gotta love a bit of the Decemberists) favourite colour (a deep water sort of blue, darker than royal but lighter than black) and food (chocolate, preferably cheap chocolate that doesn't taste like crap. Lindor is nice and all, but god I can't afford it.)
She answered fully, her favourite music was also indie, but she also liked metal. We debated which shades of blue were nicer, she liked a clear sunny sky sort of blue. I found that watery and dull, but she replied that I had literally described my colour as the colour of water. The food we agreed on totally, and she promised to bring in some supposed cheap but absolutely delicious chocolate in on Monday.
It was only when the bell rang did I remember, she still didn't answer the question.

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