part 15

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Emily's point of view

She screamed. Perfect.
I did it quickly, planting the blonde hair on the window I had left wide open, and her blood under the dead girl's nails.
All I need to do now was scratch the blonde bitches face.
I didn't even have time to drink. The parents were desperately struggling against the locked door.
I needed to go. I was too tired for invisibility.
I kept out of the window and disappeared into the night.
Leaving the girl with her throat torn out to bleed all over her bead.
I ran to the blondes, Phoebe's house. It wasn't far, I had found the address while researching her. She lived in a big house, which was empty most of the time.
Crept inside, summoning up the will to turn myself invisible, ignoring the ache in my bones and the tiredness that was beginning to plague my mind.
I would hold on, for a few more minutes.
I crept up the stairs, to the blonde's room. She was in there, studying.
Hopefully, she doesn't feel very much.
I took three fingers and scratched across her right cheek.
She started to itch her face, and when it came back bloody she went to the bathroom to clean it up.
The benefits of invisibility, whatever you do to someone, they barely feel it. It's like an itch.
Now all I needed to do was go.
And wait for her to be arrested for murder.

Amy's point of view

"Headlines today, a fifteen-year-old girl has been arrested on suspicion of murder. Phoebe Caster is the daughter of two Lawyers from a prestigious law firm. The second victim, brutally murdered at around six o'clock last night, was a supposed friend of Caster. The first victim, murdered in the same horrific way, with her throat torn out, was another of Caster's friends. Police have yet to deliver a statement, though leaked information suggests that Caster's blood and hair were found at the scene. We will be at four o'clock in the afternoon to bring you all the updates on the story. Now to the weather..."
Another murder, but this time they seem to have found the killer. The picture they showed on the telly looked familiar, the murderer went to our school. Fifteen, she would be in the year below...
She was the girl from the bathroom, it took me a few minutes to remember, but she was the girl that bruised my toes. She's a murderer.
They think anyway...
She murdered her two friends. Why would anyone do that?
I climbed out of bed, slightly relieved that they've caught the murder.
But something wasn't sitting right.
Are you thinking you know more about this than the police? Do you think a feeling is enough to override all the evidence found at the scene?
Just don't think about it. It's over and done now.
Then I remembered, John, he was going to talk to me about what he knew about Emily.
Excitement with a tinge of dread filled me, at last, I can find out what she was keeping from me, the spanner in the works of our friendship.
But, do I want to.
I looked to the TV again, Phoebe's terrified face was plastered across it.
Do I want to know?


I couldn't find John. He wasn't in any classes, nor was he in form. I spent my break and lunch searching for the school for him.
It couldn't be a coincidence, the day he was going to spill secrets was the day he disappeared.

Emily's point of view

Just after the school bell.

It hit me like a slap to the face. That's who he is.
That son of a bitch. Couldn't he just leave me alone! After all these years, after everything, he's done for me.
I saw him walk into school, he was late and alone.
I ran down to meet him, and grabbed his arm, pulling into a corner.
"Let me go!" He shouted, before I put my hand over his mouth.
"What the hell are you doing here Arron, haven't you ruined enough. What are you doing with Amy?"
I shouted.
"You've got it wrong. Arron's my father. I'm his son."
"A half-blood" they were just as rare as we were because we vampires don't settle with a human for very long. They either die, or we turn them.
Nine months is an awfully long time.
"Yeah. And I know what you are, Emily. Is that the name you're using now? My father's told me all about you. And I know what you're planning, well, I'm not going to let it happen."
The bastard, and his son.
"Your father is a monster. He turned a sixteen-year-old girl, took away her life for no reason." I shoved him against a wall, he wasn't a strong half-blood, I've seen ones that are as strong as vampires.
"My father is a monster. But so are you, I'm going to stop you and your plans for Amy. "
Oh hell, he will.
"Well, I'll just kill you. Keep you silent, forever." My fangs drew closer to his neck. I wasn't hungry, but desperate times and all that.
"Kill me then. But that might ruin your plan for Phoebe if another murder happens, the exact same to the last two. She may come out of prison."
"So what." It was only for fun that, punishment for what they did to Amy.
"So, I have been recording the whole conversation, and the tracker is on my phone. Kill me and the police will find out, one way or another it was you."
I had escaped prison before.
But, being arrested for murder isn't going to go down well with trying to win Amy back.
"So let me go," he said.
I glared at him.
"Go home. Leave me today. Let me have today. Or I'm not going to hold back. I'll rip out your throat and send your heart to your father. Just let me have today" I hoped he wouldn't hear the beg in my voice. I hope he would just walk home.
Let me have today.

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