part 17

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Emily's point of view

Things were coming together. In less than two months the blood moon will rise and we will be together.
Though my plans did change a little today. I decided to come back to her. I don't want to dominate our relationship and be the one to douse the fire within her.
Are you sure you haven't already done that?
She's fine. Our relationship is fine now. We made up, we are both friends again. Soon we will be more than that.
I can already sense it within her, her heart belongs to me as mine does to her.
Belongs to me.

I didn't mean to follow her, but I felt the need to.
It's just like walking her home.
Yeah. I'm just walking her home like all couples do to make sure their partner gets home safe.
Except she didn't turn down the road to get to her house. Instead, she carried on.
And on.
What was she doing?

Then the smell hit me.
It was his.
Arron's. He was here.
John's father. She had run to John.
Yet she hadn't lied to me. We were friends now, why was she going to John's house?
Why was she having anything to do with him, she has me now.
I saw her enter, John, holding the door open for her.
Oh, how I wanted to storm in, take Amy by the hand, take her away from the monster that lived there.
Then once she was safe, I would go back for him.
I would make him watch as I kill his son, slowly.
Then I would kill him.
But, alas I cannot kill anymore. Otherwise, the blonde will get free. And her picture plastered on the front page of the news, terrified and confused, was one of my favourite images.
The other one was Amy smiling at me.
I snuck to the window, invisible.
My head spun and my body felt itchy and tired. Yet I need to mask my scent and presence. I needed to find out what was going on. And if it is worth me killing them both just to settle everything.

Amy's point of view.

John's dad was really nice. He was smiley and loud, with a thin wispy beard, a round face and dark eyes. The house stood out more though, it was immaculate, everything looked so delicate, so beautiful yet fragile.
"So, you must be Amy, John's told me all about you. And your friend" his dad grimaced.
"Sir, what's wrong? John said he needed to tell me something about Emily, and that you knew something about it. Please, tell me"
John's dad smiled again. But his time it wasn't a happy smile, it looked old, unbelievably old. It gave the impression of one thousand wrinkles hiding under the early thirty complexion.
He sighed.
"Well, I'll start at the beginning, the very beginning..."

Emily's point of view.

That traitor. Arron couldn't just leave me alone. Instead, he has to ruin everything. Everything.
I was going to tell her. I was going to sit her down and explain it, I was going to cry and beg her not to reject me. She would cry and we would both work through it. We would then kiss, and she would whisper in my ear about how she didn't care I was a vampire.
Instead, Arron is going to tell her. Now I need to find a way to get her to trust me.
After this, I don't think she will.
If I play my cards right everything could still work out.
In fact, this might be better. Because this way I can exact my revenge...

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