part 37

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Amy's point of view

A moment of force often just a moment is a measure of its tendency to cause a body to rotate about a specific point or axis

I wasn't supposed to awake. Never mind to thinking about moments. At least my physics teacher would be pleased, I'd learnt something. Maybe I wouldn't need to cram the night before the exam, pass it because I have a good memory and not because I have a single ounce of intelligence.

I had fallen out of a window, head first. I should be dead, or at least bleeding out, or maybe a coma in a hospital. Not here, wherever I am-
I'm in my house. Lying on my couch, this place exactly like I left it.
I left it.
I shouldn't be here. I'm dead. I'm dead.

"Damn Amy you gave me such a fright. I thought I wouldn't catch you in time"
Her. Emily. She's there, she saved me. She wasn't supposed to. She's got me.
I need to get out. I need to run. Run away and find a river. Float away or sink like a stone.
I need to find a cliff. Someplace where she can't catch me.
How did she catch me?

"Now. The moon has risen and night had fallen. It's time Amy. Eternity starts now"
Her fangs were out. Like two icebergs and I'm the Titanic. I'm doomed. My indecision, to run or stay. Accept that I'm going to sink or try to send an SOS.
I only screamed help when her fangs bit my neck, tearing the thin skin and it sending shivers of something I don't want to even name down me.
"Amy. It'll be easier if you drift off to sleep. It's alright. Don't worry, I'll look after you"
I couldn't. Her fangs in my neck, something happening that made me feel both dead and alive. My body not my own yet still every part me. Contradicting itself with every breath and pulse and burn.
I stopped screaming.


"Amy wake up"
"Eternity awaits"

Emily's point of view

She woke up, still just as beautiful, but now, mine. She's mine. And I hers.
Mine. She's mine. Oh god.
"Help me" her throat must be like sandpaper, so thirsty.
I'd prepared for this. I remember what it was like, awaking with a throat on fire, so dry I could barely breathe, no water could help. Nothing but blood.
"Amy shush don't worry, I'm helping you, just give me a second. Alright, I know. I know my love"
I grabbed her hand and put it to my lips. She's mine.

I went to her room, it still smelt of her,  her bed roughly made, books away neatly in alphabetical order. Her curtains were drawn.
And her brother gagged on the ground.
Eternity starts now, just need to cut the strings of her mortal life. Starting with him.
He'd attacked me, as I brought Amy home. I didn't think he'd be able to break free. I underestimated him, he came at me with a knife. A quick twist of his wrist snapped every bone and nerve. He screamed louder when it came to his legs though. He wasn't awake now. Passed out. Hopefully, he stays that way, it'll be easier on them both.
Anyway. Time to feed Amy.

"Amy sweet my darling. This will make you feel better" if she doesn't drink soon she'll fade.
I cut Conner's hand and put it to her lips, the blood trickling onto her fangs she couldn't retract yet.
I don't know if she knew it was Conner, but she didn't hesitate. He was drained in minutes and his body tossed aside.

"What did I do?" She had properly awoken now, the moon starting to set.
"Nothing my love. Nothing at all"
"What's this?" She pointed to her hands, bloodied, shaking.
"No one it's food"
She tried to stand, but the blood wouldn't have reached her system yet. A few minutes and she'll be fine. But till then, she's stuck.
"I want to go. I need to go. What did you do to me? Please. Let me up. Let me go"
I remember it. Stuck on the street, unable to move unable to die. Stuck screaming and no one cared.
"Amy. Amy, it's alright" I hugged her.
She would never be alone again. Ever.
She will be safe, whole, her mind rid of those monsters who twisted her.
She's here. She's mine.
Saying the words in my head, realising that I did it. I won. We won.

It wasn't long until she could get up. Her arms wrapped around me and she sobbed into my shoulder. She was afraid, I was too. We'll get through it, and it will all be fine. She understands that I had to do this.
"Emily, please. Please"
"Amy my love I know. I know it's scary but we'll get through it. We'll go and see the entire world, every country, every city. We'll watch every movie, eat every meal. We have eternity to love each other. Please"
"Emily. Please kill me"

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