part 33

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Emily's point of view

I watched it all, Conner could barely resist my power. Now, now I need to make sure he doesn't get involved again. He stood in the doorway of her house, confused, his mind trying to sober him up, but he had drunk his mind's defences away.
"Look at me" I ordered, and he did.
I needed to work quickly, I felt my hold over him faltering.
"Forget her. Your sister went away to America with your parents. You live here alone."
I channelled as much power as I could, draining me until I had nothing left.
But I felt it work.
Conner wouldn't recognise Amy at all. She would be just another stranger.
But at a cost, I couldn't use my persuasion on John, but I doubt I could anyway, he's probably strong enough to resist my weak mind.
I would have to find another way.
But, I have a plan.
One that will exact the revenge they deserve.

Amy's point of view

John came with me the next day, I couldn't face Conner alone. Whatever happened, whatever he said whether he meant it or not, it did something to me.
Just when I was starting to build myself up, he tears me down.
"Whose there?" Conner said opening the door.
"Oh hello John, and you are?"
John glared at him and started to shout and argue, Conner protesting he didn't know who I was and that his sister Amy was in America with her parents.
It ended with Conner slamming the door in John's face, and a threat if we ever came back.
The worst part he was sober, I could tell. This was the real Conner, and he didn't even know who I was, he hated me so much he didn't even want to acknowledge me.
It didn't make sense, I knew that. This was so, so strange. But at the same time, it was like all my doubts, all my fears voiced in a single phone call. A single argument.
Amy. I don't know what's wrong. But we will fix it. I promise. Alright.
He took my arm, and we walked off.
Back to his house, away from my home, and the one person that made it home.

Conner's point of view

Amy. That was Amy at the door. I saw her. It was her. Oh God, how I wanted to wrap my arms around her.
But I couldn't. My body would not obey me, but a strange voice in my mind.
The voice that made me say how I hated her.
The voice that made me ignore her, forget her.
I'm screaming in my mind, but my voice is like another being, the words of the voice in my head.
Her voice. The witch. The monster.
I'll kill her. I'll rip her throat out and tear out her voice, so she can spend her dying moments speechless.
But I can't. I'm stuck screaming inside my mind. I can't do anything, my body, my actions everything but this little corner inside me believes that Amy is in America.

John's point of view

I needed to talk to Father. Conner's mind was being influenced, his mind was empty of all thoughts that I could read. Just a voice in his head. Telling him to forget Amy.
Everything else was locked away.
It was Emily. I know it.
If I tell Amy though, it will break her. She's so fragile now, a glass shell of the once strong, funny girl.
I can't be the one to break her.
I need to be the one to fix her, help my best friend.
My only friend in this world that didn't run from me the moment they saw I was different.
Emily will not take her from me.
I'll kill her first.

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