part 25

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Amy's point of view

The door creaked open. Someone was coming in.
My heart thundered in my chest. Fast as a bullet.
I just heard the slight creeks of floorboards and the sounds of plastic bags rustling against each other.
Until I saw.

She did this. She did this to me. she chained me up, she locked me in here.  The girl I loved.
Love no more.
Love died hours ago.

There was a tiny part of me, my breaking heart that whispered in my mind that she was here to save me.
That she had reasons.
That she could explain.

"Amy I can explain," she said. Her words hoarse and cracking at the seams.
That tiny voice inside wanted to hug her.
Tell her it was alright.
But it's not. It's not.
The pain around my ankle screamed at me, reminding me it's not alright.
"You were going to leave. I know you didn't want to leave. This is for you. To save you from your parents. I know you don't want to leave. You're not going to leave." She said, quickly.
And she's right. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay, at home with my brother.
No chained up on some warehouse or whatever.
But that's all the little voice needed,
She's trying to help you. Be grateful this way you won't have to leave. She's helping you.
"Amy. You've got to understand that this is the only way. And one day you will forgive me. One day you will forgive me"
I don't have to do anything.
I won't forgive her.
Forgive her.
I will not.
"Why are you doing this?"
I asked but I already knew why. Why? Why am I so goddamn slow at joining up all the dots?
I should've trusted John. Should've. That word.
I should've been more careful.
I should've not trusted her.
I should've run away.

"Why? Because we are lonely. We are the ones who have suffered. Well, I have a way to end that suffering. We can start again. A new life. Together."
"By turning me into a.."
The words still sounded stupid. So, so stupid. Yet it wasn't. This is my life. Now. She's done this.
She's taking my life from me, she's doing what she needs to do to stop being lonely.
Please. Don't fight. You want this. You want to help her. Help her. You love her.
I loved her.
Loved being the keyword.

I loved her. Love died when she walked through that door.

Yet still, I find myself staring. Her dale skin, dark eyes like melting shadows, hair of silk, a midnight waterfall.
She was beautiful.
And she loves you.
No. This isn't loving.
"Yes. Yes. That's the only way. Don't you see? We will never be lonely again"
She says 'we' but all I hear is 'I'.
She's lonely. So she wants someone to share her eternity with her.
No asking. No choice.
"Let me go. Please, Emily, I don't want this."
She looked at me with sad eyes, and I almost broke, my crumbling will almost broke apart.
But then she hardened.
And smiled.
"Don't worry, it's not long until the blood moon, you won't be chained up for too long. Now, I've got a beef Wellington for dinner. Are we going to eat or do I have to feed you?"
I've never heard her like this before, she was being sarcastic, and cold.
I didn't say a thing, instead just looking to the floor.
John. I don't think you can hear me, but this is my only chance. I don't know what else to do. Please help me. But I don't even think you can hear me.
No answer, I was stupid for expecting one. I hadn't spoken to John since that time around at his house.
Even so, I assume there has to be some sort of range to his mind-reading abilities, and I don't know where we are. He's probably not close enough.
Besides, in probably not even missing yet, I've been gone around about a day.
Oh God, I can barely last a day without giving in, how am I going to last what, two weeks.

I will not surrender.
I will not accept this.
I will not succumb to her.
I will not fall in love with her.

I will not.

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