part 30

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John's point of view

She's alive. She's alive, she's alive, she's alive.
Relief forced its way through my veins, beating its way to my heart where it sat, heavy and large. An eagle sat on a twig of a breaking tree.
But she was dangerously close to breaking. I'd looked into her mind, and there was so much conflict within her mind it was in danger of tearing into pieces.
But, she is alive. That's something.
And we know where she is. We're coming for her.
I'll get my friend back, and Amy will slowly go back to her normal self. Her happy, sarcastic, funny normal self.

And I've also found her mind. I've looked inside Emily's mind.
Reading hers was like reading a book from a meter away. I could barely see it all. Maybe she had taught herself to mask her thoughts, maybe it was because she's a vampire I don't know. What I do know though is that Amy was always, always on her mind.
And to an outsider, this may seem like love.
But love is tinted with gold and pink, connected by thousands of threads.
This was darker, the threads steel chains, the words tinted in black and blood red.
I've got to get her out of there. Away from Emily. Even it means running our whole lives.
Because what happens when Amy's free. Emily won't ever let her go...
Hello John.
Oh my god. How? How does she know? I am so careful when I enter someone's mind, even father cannot tell when I search his mind, making sure my secrets still safe...
Yet she could feel me?
I'm coming for her. Emily. I'm going to save her.
I tried to sound heroic, tried being the keyword.
She laughed and I felt my connection with her mind snap, and I was thrust back into my head.
Emily is powerful. More powerful than I anticipated.
Than father anticipated.
That laugh haunted me, my mind while I walked, the cold air's breath biting my neck.
I stopped outside the warehouse, father going in behind.
She would smell us, but perhaps only me. Or only father. Or maybe she'll kill us both.
I'd like to say that I don't fear death, that I would die for a noble cause such as saving my friend. But, it scares me. The great unknown, the great beyond that I can't ever know until I'm there.
Maybe it is an eternal sleep, or maybe I'll be condemned to eternal fire and pain and torture.
Maybe I'll lose myself, become someone else whose perfect.
Maybe I'll be trapped forever in a void.
I'm here Amy. Amy, I'm right outside. We're coming. Just a few more minutes.

Emily's point of view

He's found us. I knew he would. I wish hey didn't but somewhere deep inside I just knew they would find us.
Oh well. Back up plans exist for a reason.
Maybe it's for the best this way.
So let them find her, 'rescue' her. She'll come back to me.

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