part 14

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Emily point of view

She wouldn't even look at me. She wouldn't speak to me, it's like I don't exist.
Every second was fire down my throat, needles in my heart. I needed her, I needed her to love me.
"Emily, concentrate please!" The teacher snapped.
It took every ounce of will power not to jump up and rip out her throat.
My heart was crushed further when I saw her smile at the boy.
The boy who seemed so familiar, yet different. She was gay, so I didn't worry about her falling in love with him. But what if she becomes friends with him, and I become something insignificant, no longer the crutch she relied on.
How would she fall in love with me if she didn't need me?
I needed to fix this and quick. I'll give her one more day to come back to me.
If not, I'll take matters into my own hands.
I was also disappointed that the other one of the blonde bitches friend wasn't arrested, the hair must've not been found or something.
I'll just have to frame the blonde.
But how to...
I needed definite proof, a murder weapon with her fingerprints.
DNA at the scene.
No alibi.
I needed to get close to her.

Amy's point of view

"So, John, where have you moved from?" It was nice, talking. We each asked the other a question in turn, and we both answered to the best of our abilities. He liked orange, and his favourite music was jazz. We had spent every lesson talking and getting to know one another. I already considered him my friend.
"I've moved from just out of town. So not far, but I wasn't really liked at my old school, so it's nice to finally have someone to talk to"
"John, why didn't people like you. You seem perfectly nice." He blushed slightly.
Oh God, did he think I was flirting?
I didn't mean to flirt.
My heart was still so confused, and there was still a tiny voice demanding I give over the key to my heart to Emily.
"Amy. I need to tell you something. The reason people didn't like me, it's because I went to a Roman Catholic school, and they found out I'm gay. Please don't hate me"
Well. That's made this a hell of a lot easier.
"John, I would never hate you, you're my friend, even though we've only just met. Especially because of that. I'm, I'm also gay. " I said the last part quietly. I still wasn't as confident as him, especially about that.
John smiled at me, and we talked all lunch long. We disagreed about things but it was also fun, me and Emily seemed to agree on mostly everything. John was a breath of fresh air.
That I needed to stop comparing to Emily.
"Amy, what do you know about Emily?"
"What do you mean?" What? One, that's creepy how I was just thinking of her and he just so happened to mention her. Two, what did he want to know. I knew her favourite music, her favourite colour and all that. But I had a feeling that's not what he was on about.
"Damn, you don't know. What is she doing?" John muttered to himself more than me.
"John, please, what's going on?"
"Tomorrow. I'll tell you tomorrow. I'll tell you everything tomorrow. I just need to ask my father a few things."
"What does your father gave to do with this?"
"Please, Amy I'm doing this because you're my friend, already I know. But you've got to trust me. Please"
Do I?
I barely know him, yet.
I do.
I nodded my head.

Emily's point of view

She had talked with him all day, he who smelled so strange.
She had been laughing and smiling all day, and that should make me happy.
But I wasn't the one to make her smile, I wasn't the one who created those beautiful laughs.
She didn't trust me anymore. Because of some damn feeling.
I punched the wall, leaving the slight dents and cracks of where my fist connected.
Why? Why didn't she love me?
Breath. You've got a job to do.
It had been a few weeks since I turned invisible, I had forgotten the pain, the exhaustion it caused.
But, this would be the only way.
I managed to find the blonde girl quickly, she and her remaining friend were crying in the bathroom.
I smiled.
And held the needle in my hand, she would barely feel it.
It would be like an itch.
I stuck it gently into her leg and watched her as her face remained the same.
And when the needle was full I left.
Tonight, the last of the blonde bitches friends would die.
And her blood would be found at the scene.
She would be attested for the murder.
I made sure she would be alone tonight. Asking around, her name was Phoebe, Phoebe Caster,  and her parents worked as lawyers. I had made sure this morning that they would be swamped with work, moving files from their collogues to their desks. It was funny how humans would just accept things like this, even though they knew it wasn't right. At six o'clock, she would be home alone.
No alibi.
And her blood found at the scene.

Amy, I hope, I hope you come back to me.
Otherwise, you have no idea what you are going to unleash.

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