part 34

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Emily's point of view

John would be tricky, my influence wouldn't work, even though he's a half breed his mind is powerful, I could barely shield my mind from him. I would have to try something else, something...
I was watching their house from afar, invisible, when I saw Arron exit. Perfect, all I needed was Arron and John would come following after.
Love would be easier to work with, if John loved Arron then it would be much easier to manipulate them both.
But hate works too. Unanswered questions, problems unsolved. They work too.
All I need is bait. John is weaker, it would be much easier for me to take him as the bait. But he won't leave Amy. Not without proper reason which I will give him.
So Arron will have to do. He beat me last time, if it wasn't for Amy then I would probably be dead.
Amy, she had the chance to get rid of me, and she didn't. Proof. Proof she loves me.
All I need, that second, that sharp fire hot single syllable word. A second where her mind wasn't fucked with by those two monsters.
But I was unaware, and I wasn't desperate like I am now.
Desperation makes even the weakest mouse able to take on the cats.
And I'm not even a mouse.

It was quick, quicker than I thought it would be. Unaware we're all weak.
He struggled against my arms around his throat, we still need oxygen, our lungs aren't rotting like they are in the films.
I think he broke my rib, it hurts like hell, but it was worth it, his old heavy frame collapsed into my arms. I practically had to drag him to the warehouse. There was still signs of our earlier struggle, my blood on the floor, a dark brown stain.
I hadn't realised he'd been so close to killing me.
I threw his body on the ground.
He was still alive, his vampire body should mean he would wake up soon, very soon.
I need to be quick.
I opened up my mind, the way I taught myself to do, open and close my mind in case Arron ever wanted to finish the job.
It worked well against John as well. He no doubt would be still searching the area, searching through all the open doors trying to find me, make sure I'm not near.
And I felt him latch on immediately, I forced images of Arron to the forefront of my mind, letting that shroud my other secrets.
Now, he's the fish and he's grabbed on the bait. I just need to wait for him to reel himself here.

John's point of view

God. That, that bitch. She's got him. He just went out for food, with Amy crashing here we ran out quickly, were both not very big eaters, and Amy has turned to food for comfort. She's still devastated about her brother, and there is no way for me to reach her. She's empty. And I fear that only one person can reach her now.
She's a clever bitch.
But, she's got him. How I don't know. It's obviously a trap.
A trap.
It's a trap. She wants me to go, why else would she show me his body. He's alive I can feel it, but I also know that she'll kill him if I don't go, another thing she allowed me to see.
A choice. My father who I hate. Or Amy, my friend. My best friend. My only friend whom I will protect with my life.
It's not even a question.
Her life over his.

So why, two hours later am I still thinking about it.
Let him die.
I'm going to let him die.
What kind of person am I?
I'm not a person, I'm a monster among monsters. Because of him.
"Where is Arron John?" She asked, breaking away from her empty staring out the window.
I'm not going to tell her.
It's for her own good, her insistence I go to him that would push me over the edge.
That's what she would want, she would want me to go save him. She'll never forgive me otherwise.
And I can be quick, I have benefits of my abilities, watered down by my human blood, yes, but still, I can get him in and out.
He's awake, he has been for a while, yet I cannot enter his mind. I can see his door, dark stormy grey, yet I cannot open it.
The sun was a clock, constantly going tick-tock. Warning me that I've got to decide soon.
He'll either die, and it'll be my fault
And if I go to him, and anything happens to Amy, it'll be my fault.

"Amy, I'm just gonna go out for a little bit, I won't be long, I promise. I promise Amy I'll be quick." I hoped she'd say something, protest. A small beg would've been enough to keep me here, sever my connection to his door, lock us in and wait out the blood moon.
But she just smiled and nodded.
It was the first time she'd smiled in a while.
And hopefully, it would be the first of many.

*Authors note*
Sorry, it's been so long since the last update, life's a bitch you know.
Anyway, here is it, we're on the last night.
It's nearly finished, I don't really know how to feel about that since it's nearly been a year since I started it.
Anyway, thank you all for reading this far and hopefully, you've enjoyed everything so far and you'll hopefully enjoy everything that's yet to come.

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