part 4

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"here's the guide," I said pulling up a piece of paper from my folder. It had all the information on it, but it wasn't great. But it would do. I had spent my evening eating chocolate and reading. I had forgotten all about the project until around eleven.
"Wow, I think that's the first thing you've said to me on your own. Without being prompted by my questions"
She smiled at me.
She really was beautiful.
Snap out of it. She's probably here because of a dare. Yeah, some of the other girls probably dared her to make friends with me. As soon as she's done she'll leave me, laughing at me with all the others.
"So, which bits do you wanna say?"
"Well I'm not doing it all"
"Well I did all the writing"
"Amy, just the first bit." She pointed at a paragraph a few sentences long. I could do that.
But why should I be made to do something that I really don't want to do? The thought of speaking to people, in front of the class, all staring at me. If I say one bit wrong, pronounce it funny they will all erupt, explode because it's just so damn funny!
"Amy, please, just this little bit"
"Amy and Emily, would you please present your work and stop bickering like five year olds" Mr Brown glared at me, Emily was fine, she was the new girl he couldn't pick on until she at least had been here a week. But his comment created a little chorus of laughs.
She grabbed the work and marched to the front of the class, unfazed by everyone.
"So, our project is about moments."
Then she stopped and looked at me, a great big smiled on her face.
The class stared at me. The laughs starting, growing. Louder. And louder.
What do I do?
" A moment of force often just a moment is a measure of its tendency to cause a body to rotate about a specific point or axis," I said as fast as I  didn't really know what it meant I just copied and pasted it from Google.
Emily carried on, reading the rest of the project.
She was smiling throughout the whole thing. And when she was done, and the class clapped because they were told to, she smiled at me again and mouthed 'sorry'.
When we sat back down, she got a piece of paper from her book and scribbled something down in Sharpie.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to get upset. I just think you should start being more confident in yourself and not let the other people dictate what you can and can't do.
She smiled again at me. But I ignored it. Instead, I took her Sharpie and replied.
It's not that I let them walk all over me or whatever, it's just that I get really nervous when talking to lots of people, in fact, I get nervous just talking to one person. You put me in a situation which I didn't enjoy. In case you haven't yet realised, everyone hates me. They find every thing about me hilarious, and I try to not give them any more reasons to laugh.
She read my reply and looked at me. She stared at me for a while, making me feel sort of uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry. So sorry. Please forgive me. I don't hate you, I really don't. Please forgive me"
Why did she want forgiveness?
Why does she want to be my friend?
Why do I want her to be my friend?
You are going to regret this.

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