part 24

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Amy's point of view

I awoke to a dark room, dimly lit by, by fairy lights. Wait, fairy lights?
I got up, my head pounding and body aching. Jesus Christ where am I?
All I remember is walking.
Then awaking here.
"Hello" I cried out in a croaky voice. Nothing.
Just the slight sound of little raindrops hitting the roof of, wherever I am.
I tried to stand, but I felt something against my ankle. It was a chain, clasped tight around my ankle, tops short for me to even stand.
Oh God, it was like a scene from a horror movie, a young girl is kidnapped, chained in a dark room, waiting.
Waiting for their captor to finish the job.
But why? Why me? And who would've done, this?
I need to keep thinking, otherwise, I'm going to break down and cry.
Maybe someone who has got something against Janet and Scott. Maybe ransom or...
It just sounds stupid in my head. They weren't rich, and they weren't high up enough in any sort of business to warrant a kidnapping.
I tried to feel around my ankle for any sort of clasp or buckle that would allow me to escape. Or at least try.
I need to try. I need to be doing something. Thinking about something else.
If I stop, I will realise what's happening.
If I stop, I will realise who has done this. The name in my mind that it desperately wants to say, but I won't let it.
No, it's not.
It's not them.
There's got to be some way out.
I couldn't find any way to remove the shackle, I tried tugging and pulling. I looked around, feeling the ground for any sort of glass or sharp object that would maybe help me cut through the metal.
It was all in vain.
"Please come off" I screamed as I tried, weakly, pulling it off my ankle. It wouldn't move, and soon my skin around the metal was raw and bloody.
And so I cried in the dim glow of fairy lights. Begging the dark walls to let me go.
Begging in my mind for someone to help me, save me.
I felt myself shatter, my will breaking in between sobs. My fat body was glass and everything had been piling up on top of it.
If only it was real glass, maybe I could cut myself free.

Emily's point of view

I had an awful lot of money. I had spent centuries stealing bits and bobs, but mainly working part-time jobs. It got boring, eternity, living out day after day, year after year with nothing to do. So I've tried to work at every single job possible, and I reckon I've probably done most of them.
So money will never be a problem. But I usually have very little need for it. But not right now.
I walk into a clothes shop and look for song clothes I know she would like. I've seen her wardrobe in her house, I know what she wears.
I picked up seven or eight items, plain jumpers and black jeans, bras and knickers.
Eighty quid, Jesus Christ clothes are a lot more expensive than they used to be.
Then food. I want us to have a nice dinner, a celebratory dinner.
I pick up a ready-made beef Wellington, all it needs is a microwave. Luckily I've already bought a portable one.
Then dessert, I picked up some profiteroles, and some chocolate.
Sounds like a nice meal.
I added a few more essentials and checked out. One hundred quid that came to.
Well, it is two weeks worth of shopping.
Anyway time to face her. The one thing I've been dreading, looking her in the eyes and seeing her smile turn. Her eyes fill with a look of disgust.
It's alright. One day she will forgive you. She has eternity to forgive you.

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