part 26

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John's point of view

Amy's not been to school for three days. Neither has Emily.
I tell myself it's nothing, they're both sick.
But with the blood moon so close, I can't stop the nagging feeling deep inside. Telling me that's something is wrong. That this isn't some illness. And that if I leave it, she won't turn up.
Well, she will turn up, just no longer human.
"Excuse me Mrs can I interrupt you for a second." The head came in. Something's wrong.
I would check inside his mind, but the last time I did that I felt dizzy, so many thoughts, so many thoughts I really wish I could forget.
None of them about school.
"A girl in this year, Amy, has been reported missing. Do any of you have any idea where she would be?"
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
No one moved.
They wouldn't know.
The only one who would know where she is is Emily.
I need to find her.
Before it's too late.
"Well, if any of you have any information the police would be very grateful. Thank you for your time Mrs"
The head left.
And the class was left silent.
So much has happened. Murder. Kidnapping.

I'm starting to even doubt that girl, Phoebe killed those two other girls.
The fact their bodies were drained dry.
No witnesses. No DNA.
It's the work of a vampire.
Either father or Emily.
And considering what's she's done with Amy, murder wouldn't be too much of a stretch.

I needed to talk to my father. And even though he repulsed me, I needed him.
Even though he hates my guts (though he doesn't know that). I needed him. Amy is my friend. The one friend who smiled when I came out to her.
And I will not let her be turned.

Amy's point of view

I awoke. Again.
I was still here, it wasn't a nightmare. Except I wasn't on a mattress when I fell asleep. I didn't have three or four blankets
Except when I fell asleep, I wasn't wearing this.
I was wearing jeans and a loose top.
Now I've got a green jumper on, an emerald sort of green thick jumper.
And my jeans were gone, instead, I had some loose trousers that almost hid the shackle.
Oh my God. She undressed me. She would've touched me.
"Good morning. Feeling better?" She said, she sounded as though she smiled. But I couldn't look at her. She violated me.
"Oh. The clothes. You were freezing in your other ones, so I had to act fast before you froze and got ill. So I changed you into the clothes you've got on now. You would freeze otherwise."
She could have woken me up. She could of let me freeze.
She, she, she.
"How dare you?" I whispered. She. This. Whatever she is, is not the girl I fell in love with.
And I'm starting to think that girl never even existed...

Emily's point of view

*Earlier that night*

She's freezing. She's shivering even on the mattress I've out under her.
I've got a jumper and some warmer pants. But.
I've tried shaking her. She's not waking.
She's not waking.
She's going to freeze. She'll get ill.
This is not part of my plan.
What to do?
I grab the clothes and lift her up in my arms.
I close my eyes, I will not betray her like this. And I carefully peel her top from her, careful not to touch her skin.
And then do the same with the pants clumsily.
Then I change her into he warmer clothes and lie her back down in bed.
The pants are twisted and the jumpers on back to front.
But I didn't betray her. I didn't look.
Oh god, how I wanted to look. But I didn't.
I let her keep her dignity.


She's staring at me like some sort of monster. I've tried to explain to her that I had my eyes closed the entire time, I didn't touch her skin at all. But she wouldn't listen.
God, I was tempted to just knock her out, use some strong slipping pills and keep her sedated until the blood moon comes. She is being unreasonable.
Yet, that's not fair. Relationships have bumps and arguments. It all about comprises.
I'll let her stay awake. I'll make her comfortable.
In return, she will love me for eternity.

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