part 21

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Emily's point of view

I spent the rest of the day troubled. I was watching the news, seeing if there were any more updates on the blonde girl.
I was watching Arron's house, arguing with myself whether or not trying to kill him now was a good idea.
I was outside her house, watching her through the window, hoping that she wouldn't hate me.
I was a restless ghost, travelling around, haunting my own life.
I didn't know what to do with myself, my mind was with her, my heart was with her.
Somehow I find myself at a place I haven't been before, an abandoned warehouse. It had graffiti all over it and the windows are all smashed in. I couldn't help myself, I needed to go in, have a look around.
Inside was just as broken looking, with the floor covered in smashed glass and rubbish.
It was so dark as well, like nighttime even though it's still mid-afternoon. Through further looking around I found a cupboard, inside was a broom with a snapped handle and some Christmas decorations.
I took out the brush, some of the decorations falling out as well.
It was usable.
I walked back to the main room and started to sweep up the glass and rubbish, piling it all up in one of the corners.
I did do until the floor was safe and clean.
Then I started to look around more, it seemed quite a small warehouse, with the first room as you enter being the biggest, then you walk by the cupboard then into a smaller room in the back. The back room wasn't covered in glass, instead, it looked untouched, the hands of bored humans hadn't got here.

A few hours later and the warehouse was completely clean, and I had found some fairy lights from the Christmas decorations and attached the ones that worked all over.
It was done. All done. There was light, the floor was clean.
It's all ready.

Amy's point of view

"I'm home" Conner stumbled in, his words slurred. It wasn't late, he usually would be home later than this.
"Hello," I said coldly.
"Don't talk to me like that!" He snapped, standing up straighter.
He hadn't been this drunk in a long time. A long time.
The day mother and father said they would be spending another year or two abroad.
They hadn't been bothered to call, it was a text. A few sentences long.
Something must've happened.
Just what I need. Right now, when my mind is in turmoil, my brother has to come home pissed.
"Conner, I'm going to bed"
I tried to walk past him but he pushed me back on the chair.
"No. I need to talk to you" he said.
"Conner, you're drunk. We'll talk in the morning.
He wasn't acting like my brother, he was acting like a violent drunk.
Right now I can't deal with this.
"No. No shut up. Shut your goddamn mouth. Mother and father are coming home in the next few days. They want to see us." He shouted, slapping the arm of the chair.
"Conner, isn't that a good thing?" I mean I wasn't excited, they were absent for so long I've just kinda got used to them not being here.
"No. No, it's goddamn not. They want us to come out with them. They expect us to pick up our lives and come with them." He shouted, banging his fist.
Go, go abroad with them. Leave my life. This life of confusion and we'll fear.
This world of friends, no, I don't think we're that anymore, but I dare not say we're in love.
I have a chance to escape, to start again. No more vampires, no more confusion or fear.
"I'm going to bed," I said quietly, this time Conner didn't try and stop me.
I walked out just fast enough so he didn't see my tears.

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