part 22

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Emily's point of view

I didn't see her the next day. I found myself waiting, waiting outside her house, hidden away.
Even when I left her house I found myself waiting.
Waiting for her to come to me, and either wrap herself in my arms and whisper in my ear how much she loves me.
Or have her damn me, tell me how much she is scared of me.
Every time I was walking towards her front door, about to knock on, asking for her, I would stop. She needs space. She needs time. That's what relationships are all about.
And either way, if she hates me or loves me she will be mine.
Either way, the blood moon is coming. And she will be mine.

The next day though I saw her. And she saw me. We were bound to it was school, but she came up to me and took my hand.
My heart began to beat faster, this is the answer I had been hoping for, dreaming for.
I almost cried there and then.
"Emily, Emily I'm sorry. My parents are coming home. After a week or so they're taking us abroad. To live. I'm sorry. I have no choice. They can't afford to keep up payments on two houses and my brother can't afford to pay the bills on his own. After next week I'm gone." she started to cry.
My world shattered. She was leaving.
She couldn't leave.
If I followed she would be frightened, and she would label me a creep.

If I stayed I would die.

I had to act now.

"It's alright Amy, all will turn out for the best, I'm just glad you don't hate me now."
I tried to smile, but I couldn't even pretend.
I will make sure she's mine. She stays with me.
She will not leave.

"If it makes anything better I've decided I don't care if you're immortal or whatever, I've decided you are Emily. Besides, if you hadn't of been turned into a vampire then we never would've met." She smiled, a slight smile with lips stained with tears.
I nodded and we talked the rest of the day until we had to go out separate ways.
Not for long though, not for long.

Amy's point of view

I got home and outside an unfamiliar car was parked outside.
It was probably there's. What do I call them? Parents. Father, mother. Mum, dad?
No. First names, Janet and Scott.
Let's go from there.
I walked inside and through into the living room and there they were.
Conner wasn't looking at them, instead, he smiled at me.
So did they.
"Oh my Lord my girl, look how big you are, to think you're only fifteen," Janet said, her arms wide open, wanting a hug.
"Well, big is one word. Isn't it love. Where is our little girl gone eh." Scott said to Janet.
"Sixteen" I corrected, ignoring her arms. This is weird, they are trying to act like it's only been a month or so since I've seen them, it's been two years, I've not even had a call or a text. And what Scott said hurt. Hurt an awful lot, but I wouldn't let him see that. But I felt aware of how my body looked in front of skinny as can be Janet.
They don't even know how old I am.
And I had to go live with hem in a new country.
I felt the tears start to form, I didn't want to cry for them. It isn't worth it. They aren't worth my tears but still, it stung.
They didn't even know how old I was. My own parents.
"Oh don't cry Amy, we've missed you too," Scott said, hugging me with awkward arms.
They weren't crying though, and I hadn't missed them.
"So, are we ready to move to America," Janet said after a long pause, Conner glared at her, and u shrugged. I didn't want to go but they were making us. They were going to force us to live in a country so very far away.
Oh, God.
"No. I think I speak for me and Amy here when I say no. You can't just come after two years of nothing and pick us up from our lives to somewhere else. You can't pick us up and drop us off when you choose." Conner was shouting, but Janet's face didn't change. She wasn't bothered what we thought, she just thought she'd pretend to try and make it easier.
I hated them. At that second, seeing her roll her and eyes at Conner, the man who raised me. I hated her more than you would ever know.
"I think you need to watch how you speak to your mother," Scott said.
"You are not our parents. Parents don't leave their kids for two years, not text, no phone calls, no letters nothing. You are not our parents" Conner shouted. Scott came over to him and smacked his cheek.
I cried out.
Conner didn't react, but I could see it in his eyes, it hurt.
"Stop" I whispered. Why was I afraid? I shouldn't be afraid. All these years I have dealt with bullies, I have held my own.
Yet now my voice is cracked and broken.
"Ungrateful bastard, I tell you what, stay here. You're not coming, stay here in the streets we are done with you. We will take your sister."
Please no.
"Please, please Scott don't"
He turned to me.
To think they had only just come home is strange. They have only been home for a few hours and already they are messing up my life, Conner's life.
"No. Your coming with us. That boy can stay here, he's an adult apparently. Let's see how he does without parents working their asses off day after day to pay the bills."
Scott marched upstairs, closely followed by Janet.
"Conner, does it hurt?" I asked, coming over to him.
"It's fine. I'm sorry I was drunk last night. When I heard what was going to happen I couldn't find any other way to cope."
I'd forgotten about that.
"It's fine. I don't know what to do. I don't want to go, with them. And leave you."
"Amy, it's the best option, I can apply for housing, I can probably afford some sort of hotel or something. But I don't want that for you so even though I hate them, and you hate them, you've got to go."
I shook my head.
"Amy, please."
I couldn't go. I couldn't leave him.
I started to cry, quietly to make sure the adults upstairs couldn't hear.
"I need to take a walk," I said. Conner nodded.
I needed to breathe some air that wasn't stuffy and warm. I needed to leave this house.
And most of the people in it.

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