part 19

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Emily's point of view

I listened to it all, they painted me like a monster, someone who wasn't interested in Amy, someone who hadn't fallen in love and couldn't bare to live without her.
Instead, I was a vampire who didn't follow the rules, who seemed to kill for pleasure.
No, I didn't kill for pleasure. I killed because those people deserved to die. That blonde girl deserves to rot in jail. Her trials in a week, hopefully, she'll get life, maybe ten. If she gets released I'll take things into my own hands.
What Arron seemed to gloss over was the fact that he took a sweet, innocent, starving child in his arms, promising her to take care of her. Then draining her of all her blood, leaving her dying on the side of the street. Somehow I survived, it must've been a blood moon that night, but I became a vampire too. And they expect me to let all my anger go.
That man preyed on an innocent child, who had just watched her parents die. Then left her in a state of immortality and eternal loneliness.
Then they all declare no more vampires will be made, knowing full well they all had their partners, they all had people to spend eternity with.
They knew full well I was alone.

And I watched Amy throughout, watching to see her reaction. I expected her to curse my name, I had been changing my plans. I had hardened my heart in preparation for her brutal words.
Instead she was mainly silent, instead, she left the house with eyes filled with tears.
Instead of running when I revealed myself, screaming monster.
She came running, into my arms. Sobbing into my shirt.
I hugged her trembling body, walking her slowly out of their garden. If I stayed much longer they would probably notice me.
I'm surprised they haven't smelled me yet.
"What - what's going - going on?" she was hyperventilating, her sobs choking her, sending tremors down her body.
She looked so broken, so broken.
How dare they! I was supposed to do this, I would've sat her down, and slowly told her the whole story. Making sure the entire time she was alright, making sure she was comfortable.
Not dropping the whole bomb on her and expecting her to be ok.
"Are you a - mon - monster?"
Please don't hate me. Amy, I love you.
"I'm not a monster. I'm a girl that do long ago was hurt, was drained for food, because he thought no one would notice. I'm a lonely immortal soul, who has finally fallen in love. I love you, Amy. Oh God, I love you -"
She brushed her lips against mine, a sweet, subtle kiss. I tasted the tears that stained her lips, and I fell.
Fell into my heart as I felt every lonely minute disappear, every second wishing for death, to die.
I was in love.
I had her.
She was mine as I was hers.

Amy's point of view

I. I kissed her. I don't know why, but when she said those words I think it was the only way I could possibly react. The only answer.
I think my answer is clear now.
She was Emily, a vampire. She was a vampire.
And a lonely girl, just as I was.
Was. No longer. I love her.

I don't know how long we kissed. But somehow when we finally came up for air, we were far away from the garden, from their house.
Instead, I was a one or two-minute walk from my house.
"Emily. You're a vampire aren't you?"
I didn't scream. I should. I should run. She could tear out my throat.
Eat me whole.
Rip the flesh from my throat and drain the blood from my body.
I had always thought about death, but standing in front of someone who could kill me before I screamed made me, scared.
I'd never thought I'd be scared to die.

But this is Emily.
"Please don't be scared. I won't hurt you, I promise."
I nodded.
I love her.
She doesn't scare me.
"Tell me everything"
At Johns, I was scared. My very thoughts were his.
They painted Emily as a monster.
She isn't a monster. She isn't.
I took her inside, preying my brother wasn't home.
He wasn't.
"Sit down. It's a long story"

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