part 5

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"Emily you don't need to follow me around you know"
"I'm not, well I am. But I want to find the best possible place to read. I have a feeling you know"
"The library"
"Then why don't you read there?"
"Too loud, everyone goes in there to talk and you can't hear yourself think"
"Then it's not the best place"
I sighed and let her follow me to my usual spot. She sat down and pulled out her book.
Like me.
I didn't say anything, instead, I pulled out my book and started to read.
"Yo look, the bitch is back"
I looked up and saw the girl from yesterday, she was backed up by a few guys I didn't recognise. Then again I didn't recognise half the people in my year, never mind the year below.
"So bitch. Are you ready? Cos I'm gonna make you regret ever messing with me."
She pulled me up by my collar and despite my pushes and kicks, she held firm. She was strong for a fifteen-year-old.
Then again, I was a tiny sixteen-year-old. Height wise anyway.
"Let her go" Emily growled.
"Or what?"
A second passed.
Emily sprung up and grabbed my attacker by her collar and jerked her downwards. She let go of me and landed on the floor.
"Don't touch her again" she growled. She was standing over her, her face almost right up against hers.
I couldn't see what's she did, but she must've done something, because my attacker screamed, and ran off, her friends behind her.
Emily looked around and smiled.
"What the hell?" I said as she sat back down, picking her book of the ground.
"I've got a scary glare"
She carried on reading.
I don't believe her. A glare wouldn't scare off someone. Emily must've done something to make that bitch run like that. Why won't she tell me?
"What are we?" I asked her after a few minutes. I was so confused, I thought I mentioned to her that I don't do friends. Yet we were acting like them, she actually defended me, stuck up for me as a friend does. But then again, she lied to me.
What does she want?
"Do you think we're friends, or is this some joke. Are you following me around because or some dare or something? What the hell is this?
"I think we're more than friends," she said quietly, but I still heard her perfectly.
"What the hell. What do you mean by that?!"
"Never mind. I think we are friends. And I think you want us to be friends, otherwise, you would've moved away from me by now."
she had a point. Well, not really, sort of. I would've moved away, but she probably would've followed me.
"Besides, you owe me now, for scaring away that girl" she smiled.
"I don't owe you, I didn't ask you to glare at her or whatever. I had the situation under control"
"What! She was going to beat you up" she laughed.
Her laugh was like her smile, warm and loud. Yet it annoyed me, she thought I couldn't handle myself. Like I needed protecting from the big scary fifteen year olds.
"Yes. And then they would've all left me alone for a few years. Temporary pain for long term gain"
"That's dumb"
"Well, now you've annoyed them, so they're gonna keep coming back. And your glare probably won't work next time"
"Trust me. She's not coming back" She said, deadly serious. I was going to ask her what she meant, but the bell rang.
"Time to go"
She picked up her book and reached her hand down waiting for me to grab it and let her pull me up.
I ignored her hand and stood up. She smiled at me.
I smiled back.
You've done it now. This isn't going to end well.
For now, at least I wasn't alone.

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