part 38

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John's point of view

He's dead. Dead. Dead like my mother yet not lying cold in a grave but lying alone in a dark warehouse.
I couldn't save him. I might as well have been the one to snap his neck for all the good I did.
Oh god. He died. He's dead and he knew. He died knowing. Oh god.
Oh god.
Why can't I cry? Cry.
My father is dead. I'm alone. Amy's probably a vampire now. My fault.
It's all my fault.
I should've stayed.
I should've gone sooner.
I should've protected my friend.

If Amy is a vampire, then Emily's won. The thing that murdered my father and turned my friend.
Well. That bitch will suffer now.
I'll make her scream. And me and Amy will run. We'll run and start a life together. Two friends.
We'll worry about her immortality later.

Emily. I'm coming to kill you.
And I'm going to enjoy letting you scream.

Emily's point of view

I knew he was coming, I felt him probe my mind, bashing against my defences, wild and angry.
Too late. Those words were sweet on my tongue, the taste of victory, I could drink it forever.
All I need to do is kill John. That's it, take out a broken half breed then it's over. I've won, we've won.

Amy's point of view

"Do you remember when we first met? You walked into the class and I thought about how sunny you looked, you looked so happy and just beautiful. Emily, you're beautiful"
I don't have a plan. Every plan every idea has been crushed underfoot, by her heals.
"Do you remember how we became friends, you bugged me, forcing me to answer questions not leaving me alone. Look at me Emily, where have those girls gone? What have you done, what have you done with that sunny girl I loved?"
She tried to speak but I shushed her. She will listen because I don't have the strength to say loved again.
"Do you remember sitting topless and watching Titanic? Before the world of vampires, there was our world, me and you. But you, that was a lie you lied to me. This is your reality, the world you want to live in. You pretended to walk into my world to stay, when really you dragged me out of my place and used me as a pawn"
"A pawn? Amy, you're my queen-"
"I'm trapped. I had no choice you broke me. I'm broken. I'm not me this isn't me. This is a shell, I'm hallow and you don't love me. This isn't love. I love you I can't help it I can't stop it from you run too deep"
I was saying it quick. Like I was running out of time.
The sad part is I'm immortal. I have all the time in the world.
"Emily. Kill me"
I said it with force, every ounce of me. Every past me, the one reading in corners, the one talking with my best friend about cheap chocolate, the one crying in the bathroom the one crying at titanic.
I need to die.

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