part 13

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Emily's point of view

The first one didn't scream.
I climbed through her window, she snored so loud she didn't even hear me.
"Hello," I said, she didn't even wake up.
I laughed to myself, looking at her 'beauty' sleep face mask.
Beauty. She was one of the ugliest things I've ever seen in my life.
How dare she call Amy ugly when she looked like this.
I grew bored of waiting for her to wake up, so I sank my fangs into her throat and ripped it out with one quick movement. I then fed on her blood, it had been so long since my last feed, I had been starving, craving.
Humans seem to think vampires cannot eat human food. I do, and it tastes nice.
But it doesn't sustain us like blood. A vampire can survive without it, but that wouldn't be a nice existence.
Her blood felt so nice down my throat, making me groan.
Within minutes she was dry.
Now for part two.
I had a single hair in a bag in my pocket, it belonged to the blonde's other friend. Hopefully, that should be enough to at least question and detain her.
Then I'll kill her, and frame the blonde.
Then the blonde.

Amy's point of view

Conner was staying out late, which was fine. I was fine.
I am fine.
I am not going to cry over her anymore. If we want to make up she needs to tell me everything, no more secrets, no more lies.
Are you sure she's lying?
I am. There is just something, I don't know what, but she's hiding something.
Why won't she tell me where she lives?
What did she do to scare off that girl?
If she doesn't want to do that, then I don't know if I can be her friend. I've opened my heart to her, and I feel like she doesn't trust me.
But, I don't want to be alone anymore.
I will find more friends, I want friends.
I want that feeling of happiness, the sense of belonging, and I don't think that's a unique feature to Emily.
We were told a few days ago that another new student was moving to our school, maybe I can make friends with them.
Whoever they are.

The next day.

Murder. That's the first word I heard as I walked in.
It was whispered between friends and shouted across rooms.
A girl from the year below had been murdered.
The talks only quietened when the headmaster walked in. He was a tall, thin man, with grey hair he liked to comb back, making him look older than he already was.
"As you know class, a young girl, Janet Stone has been found dead at her house last night. The police are describing her death as suspicious, and if anyone has any information concerning her death, please talk to the police."
He was very monotone. Even in such a situation such as this. He rarely ever left his office, didn't do any assemblies unless OFSTED is coming. He didn't care much for the school, just a nice paycheck.
"Why won't you just say she was murdered" a voice came from the back of the room.
"Young lady, the police have yet to release a statement about the cause of death, we are not doing anyone any favours by jumping to conclusions"
"She was found with her throat ripped out and all her blood drained out"
The headteacher didn't respond, he probably didn't know how to.
"The family have asked to be left alone in such a traumatic time, and police have asked to be left to do their job. Unless you have genuine information, please stay out. Her family are holding a funeral in two weeks time and anyone who wants to come down can." The headteacher nodded his head at us and walked out.
"Sounds like some crazy vampire wannabe murderer, I mean all her blood. The guys a psycho." Someone shouted.
The class descended into an argument, with some people crying others shouting.
Emily was sat on the other said of the class, usually, I would move other to her side to talk to her, but I didn't anymore.
Why am I thinking about such trivial things when a girl had just been murdered?
"Um, hello" a boy came into the class, he was probably the new student, what a terrible time to start at a new school.
"Hello," I said getting up.
He smiled at me, and I smiled back. I wasn't going to slip back into my ways of loneliness. I was going to have friends.
Friends that trust me.

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