part 23

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Emily point of view

She left her house on the verge of tears, her body shaking. Whatever her parents had said or done had hurt her.
I will hurt them, or perhaps I'll let her do it, later.
First I need to actually get her.
I'm not going to be able to forgive myself, she's going to be so scared.
But it's for our own good.
She will thank me, one day, no matter how many centuries it takes.
I turned myself invisible, when I first worked out that was my ability, I was disappointed. When I worked out that all vampires have unique abilities, I wanted the ability to kill people with a single glance or cause immense pain with a single touch.
But as the years went on I've realised that invisibility is just as dangerous. I have mastered it, and though the uncomfortable and almost painful sensation during and after exercising it causes, in some cases, it is worth it.
Like right now, following Amy. So close I might as well be her shadow.
Like all other vampires I also have mild persuasion, the ability to influence the mind of the person, but mine is so weak the person has to be in a state of weakness. Under the influence of alcohol, or drugs. Extremely tired or in an emotional wreck.
Luckily, Amy was in that sort of state.
And while I hate using it on her, its the only way.
Now I can't do big things, like making her follow me without question, but little things such as lulling the mind into a state of sleep, I can just about manage.

Amy's point of view

I couldn't. Breathe.
Oh, God. He hurt. Conner.
They were abandoning him. Dragging me away from him. And I couldn't do anything. Anything. Even if I could stay, I couldn't put that financial strain on my brother, and even working around school wouldn't really make any difference.
I don't want to go to America.
I don't want to leave.
Oh, God.
All the little plans I had started to form in my mind were being snatched away from me.
Oh, God.
What was that?
Jesus Christ, it's creepy.
I carried on walking, faster.
There it is again.
I felt my eyes starting to close, the heavy lids just begging to be closed.
What the hell is happening?
I turned, nothing. Nobody was there.
Oh God help me. I'm going to fall down in the middle of the street.
Please no. Please.

Emily's point of view

I caught her in my arms, she didn't need much persuading, which was good because I had very little.
I cried out a little bit as I extended my invisibility over her, hiding her from the world. Hiding my deeds from the world.
It hurt so much, as though someone was ripping my insides out and stretching them all over her.
Now I just have to bring her to the warehouse, and wait two weeks for the blood moon.
Then it will all be done and we will never be lonely again.

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