part 3

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"So Amy, I sense you're a bit of a bookworm, what type of books do you enjoy reading?"
"Horror. Murder mystery. Anything with a decent storyline that's going to keep me interested, I'm not really fussy." How annoying could someone be. She was like a wasp, constantly flying in my ear. Or a rubbish pop song, going around through my head with its catchy chorus.
"Same. I love horror. I love reading people about to get their throats ripped out or about to be hacked to death by a serial killer."
If I cared I would've asked her why she seemed to smile when she said that, but I didn't care. It was probably something she said to make herself seem edgy, or something to perhaps relate with me.
But I don't care.
She has been like this all morning. She was in my form and sat next to me in my first lesson. Physics was last, it was Life skills now. Basically, a lesson where usually I could just read, the teacher couldn't care less. We weren't being taught anything important, it was just another religious studies class really. But Emily was here, asking me questions constantly. I felt like she was interrogating me, or worse trying to get to know me.
"Look, Amy, you're a pretty girl, I'm sure there are loads of girls that would love to be your friend. Why don't you say hi to them, you don't want to be seen around me. You can do better than me."
She was beautiful, just looking at her made me feel so many things. I don't like these feelings, all confused, a muddled rainbow of emotions.
She paused for a second. It looked like she was actually contemplating it, she'd finally realised she can do better.
Stop that. You'll just drag her down. You don't need people, she's here because of a dare. You know that, stop kidding yourself. This is not friendship, she does not want to become your friend.
"You think I'm pretty?"
Oh, God.
Oh God oh God oh God oh God.
Oh God oh God oh God oh God
What do I say to that?
"Yes, I do. You are a very, attractive girl. Which is why you're wasting your time with me. I don't do friends so why don't you go to the normal girls and be besties with them"
I sank so much ice, so much force into those words that it made me pause. I've never heard my voice, myself like that before. Yeah, I'm mean, I'm cold, I'm a bitch. But I wasn't that.
"No, I'm good. I don't like them bitches. Well, I'm assuming they're bitches, I've not met them. But I know what type of girl you mean, and I am not one of those girls. Trust me"
She sounded so, different. Her voice was usually so high pitched and excited, but then it sounded deep, serious and dark. I wonder, did I hurt her?
And why does the possibility of me hurting her hurt me?
"Ok then. But I'll just disappoint you" I hope she would hear the apology in those words. I hope.
"Trust me. You won't."
She smiled at me.
And it took a bit of effort not to smile back.

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