part 32

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Emily's point of view

I let her go.
I opened the door and pointed out.
"Out" I screamed, my voice breaking.
I turned my face away, listening to the sounds of running. Amy hobbling, looking back to stare at me.
I smiled. A smile that made her smile back.
You will love me, Amy.
I will make sure of it
I felt John, trying to fish around my mind, desperate for answers.
You'll get them, John.
Don't worry.
You and Arron will feel our revenge.

Amy's point of view

Everything happened so fast after. John and Arron helped me tell the police, and my brother, who cried when he saw me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, deep and heavy like it was the very air that filled his lungs, keeping him alive.
The police had realised that Emily, she wasn't who she said she was. I told them everything, everything but the word vampire. They were now looking for her everywhere. Hopefully, this should scare her off.
But that smile. That smile wakes me up at night. Haunts me like my shadow.
John stayed with me nearly all the time. He got on quite well with my brother, who was starting to stop drinking as much at home.
And me and John grew closer, so far as I would call him my best friend accept those words have hidden meanings, shackles and all sorts of secret words attached that haunt me.
Most of the time we were at my house, me John and Conner, when he wasn't working. John was grateful to get away from his father, from what I can gather John hates Arron, hates that Arron is the reason he is a monster, a monster that was cut off from everyone, a monster who was mocked and hated. His old friends when they found out he was different abandoned him, hurt him.
I vowed I never would.
The police check up on me every now and again, asking for statements etc. I even told them that Emily might be responsible for the murders, and they said they'd look into it.
I don't know. With everything that happened to me, I forgot about the girls who had been murdered. That sounds so, so selfish, and self centered. And at those points in my thoughts I hated myself.
Most of the time I hated myself.

But now, I can get on with my life. Live. My life.
My life.

Emily point of view
3 nights before the blood moon

I want to make it so Amy comes to me of her own accord. I want her to run into my arms and beg me to love her.
To do that I need to remove the distractions, in her life.
I need to isolate her, make her feel alone and vulnerable. Like no one loves her but me.
I am the only one she has left.
So when the Blood Moon rises, she will not struggle as I drain her, and the moon fills her.
First off, I need to remove the brother.
Conner worked at the local pub, that's where he drank as well, blowing half his wages there almost immediately after he finished. It had gotten worse since the incident with Amy's parents. But now Amy was back the drinking had resumed its more social aspect. Two or three pints, maybe four.
How was I going to remove him? I didn't want to kill him, she would know it was me. I was already wanted for Amy's kidnapping, the police probably suspect me of the murders. The blonde was still in jail, probably not for much longer.
I need him to hurt her, but he seemed to love her.
I know.
I caught him once he left the pub. He was drunk, yet he still recognised me.
"You bitch" he slurred. He swung a fist at me, which I easily caught.
I looked into his eyes, he easily fell under my gaze. He was incredibly drunk, even then he struggled. Damn, I wish I wasn't so weak.
"You will do exactly what I say when you get home. You will make sure your sister will hear you"
I proceeded to tell him exactly what to say, and I see his face struggle but he was too drunk.
He stumbled home.
Part one completed.

Amy point of view

Conner wasn't quiet about coming home, he slammed the front door and trudged through the living room. He walked straight past me, not even looking at me.
He was drunk, really, really drunk.
I was about to try and coax him to bed when he picked up his phone and dialled someone.
"Yes. Yes, I am home, yes my idiot sister is with me. When is she not? I mean, she's such a pest, god I hate her. If she wasn't here would be long gone. She's holding me back, I want to be at university, living my life.
Instead, I'm working some crap job, slaving away to try and keep her happy. And what thanks do I get?"
What did Conner say?
That I was an idiot and a pest, that he hated me. The man who made it his mission to make me feel happy. Even when I was alone, he made me feel happy. Even when he was in the depths of drunkenness.
That I was holding him back from his dreams. I was the reason for all his problems.
My every fear, my every doubt, was realised in those thirty seconds.
I started to cry. He didn't notice, he was quiet now.
I wish, I wish I could blame the alcohol, that he didn't really mean it.
But every word felt true. I could hear them, circling around in my mind.
I ran to my room and started to pack a bag, with my purse, some clothes, and a separate rucksack for my school stuff. And with the last-minute addition of toiletries, I was ready.
In the morning I would leave.
I wouldn't be a burden anymore.
He could get in with his life. And I will live mine.
Hopefully, John will let me stay for a few nights while I think if a plan.
"Amy, Amy" he slurred.
I ran out the door, crying. Ignoring his shouts.
Everything was going so right, for a few days everything was good. Now it's starting to crumble.
She's not even here.
I ran to John's house.
"Amy. Amy, what's wrong?" He said, letting me inside.
I managed to string together words that tried to explain what happened.
John instead looked in my mind, sure enough, he found it.
"Amy, that's not right. Something's wrong. You can stay here tonight, tomorrow we will talk to him. Something is wrong here. Your brother loves you"
I nodded my head and started to drift to sleep.
And dreamt about the chains on my legs and the smile on her lips.

Authors note
Sorry for the longer break, circumstances arose in which meant I was in no position to write. It's taken me a while but I finally felt like going back to Blood Moon. Its coming to the end, probably about what, seven chapters left, or less.
I've really enjoyed writing this story, and while it may not be very popular, the fact that anyone has read it means a lot.

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