part 12

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Amy's point of view

I can't believe it. Her words still sliced through me, her anger a knife through my skin.
Why? Why shout. But like that, it was like thunder, the loud claps that we all want to hide from.
Where was the girl I knew, my friend who talked to me about what music we liked? Where was the girl I drew, lying around in her panties?
Where was the girl who held me while I cried because Jack couldn't fit on the damn door?
Where was the girl my heart had just started to flutter for?
In that moment she frightened me. I shouldn't be, but she scared me.
I ran to the bathroom and cried. I felt weak and betrayed. She was my friend. I heard the door open. And a pair of shoes tap against the floor.
"Emily" I whispered.
"Who's in there?" Someone banged against the door.
"Go away" I shouted weakly. It wasn't her. I didn't want it to be her anyway. I didn't ever want to see her again.
"Aww, bitch has someone upset you?" The girl on the other side mocked.
I opened the door. I wasn't doing this.
I tried to walk past the blonde girl, but she grabbed me.
"Don't walk away, we want to have some fun" the laughed, sounding like a cat screaming.
Then one of the girls I didn't see slapped me.
It stung, and it made me cry more.
"Aww, look the bitch is crying," the head blonde said, slapping my other cheek.
Then she shoved me against the wall, she was surprisingly strong for her petite size.
"This is our bathroom" she whispered in my ear and stepped on my foot with her heal, hard.
"Go" she ordered. And I did.
There was once a time I would've perhaps fought back, at least have a final word.
But I left quickly, limping.

I went to the office and lied saying I was sick. They looked concerned, asking me if something had happened. But I kept saying I felt sick and would like to go home.
After a while, they gave up and allowed me to walk home.
It wasn't far away, but my foot hurt a lot. So a five-minute journey turned into a fifteen-minute hobble. And after I got in I collapsed on the sofa and cried some more.
I knew it. Why couldn't I just have a normal friendship? Why did the one person (who wasn't my brother) who actually cared about me be like that?
Because it wasn't just her thunderous shouts or her secrets. There was something else, something she was keeping from me.
And after I told her my deepest secret, I thought, I thought she would finally trust me enough. But no, she kept on lying. She was probably laughing at me now.
She probably hated me. That's what her secret was. She hated me and this friendship was some sort of prank to her.
I had laid my would bare to her, opened up my heart to her. I had burned my protective shell and allowed her to see my deep dark insecurities.
And yet she still hides away. And screams when I try to get close.
Maybe it's because you're gay. Maybe she was really grossed out and wanted to find a way to end your friendship.
But why? Before she was dropping hints about maybe becoming more than friends. Or did I just invent them?
Maybe I've invented this whole scenario, and really she hated me from the beginning.

I fell asleep to the sobs of my heart.
I was done with people...

Emily's point of view

She wasn't in Physics. When I asked about her they said she had gone home sick.
And that's when I heard some of the fifteen-year-olds talking about the funny fat girl in the bathroom.
"Did you hear how she cried" the blonde one laughed.
"And how she just let you slap her. God what a loser. She must hate herself to allow herself to be beaten like that." One of the ones next to her said, desperate for approval.
"Well, if you looked like that wouldn't you hate yourself?" The one to the blondes left said. And then they all laughed, a choir of screaming cats.
"What was she said. Emma" on elf them mocked a high pitched voice.
"No, it was Emily" the other snorted.
"Oh yeah! Emily, oh Emily I want to be your friend but I'm so fat and ugly that I am literally a pig" the blonde cackled.
They were talking about Amy. They had hurt Amy.
Anger surged through me.
But not here.
I would get them.
But not right here.
Walked past the bitches, bumping into the one on the left.
"What?" The blonde said for her friend.
"Nothing, sorry," I said with a fake smile.
She walked away, whispering to her friends.
She would be last.

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