part 31

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Emily's point of view

They burst in. Arron and his son.
Amy started to cry, a messy, desperate cry, all her trapped emotions all pouring out at once. She's relieved. I can just imagine it, the screams of happiness in her mind, her tears because the 'horror' is over.
I would laugh but I have got to keep the pretence up.
Let them think they've won. Let them think that they have won the game.
Amy will come back.
Not in chains but with her head held high, begging me to take her back.
"Get out! Leave us alone" I screamed, trying to force them away from Amy.
But Arron lunged at me. Knocking me to the floor. Amy was united and in Arron's son's arms. John.
I needed to remember to keep my mind closed. Tight. John's powerful.
And a slight slip and my plan will crumble.
"Amy. Amy tell them. Tell them to go. Tell them you love me."
She looked at me, broken.
And that broke me. I hated this. But they, they did this. They are the monsters.
"She doesn't love you, you disgusting monster" Arron had his fangs at my throat.
"I should've killed you long ago, long, long ago. " Oh god.
I tried to fight him off but he was stronger than me. He always was.
He was going to kill me, I saw it in his eyes, my terrified reflection staring back at me.
The act was over.
"Arron no-"
I screamed


Amy's point of view

He was going to kill her. The monster that locked me away.
The monster. Emily. The monster
The monster that held me in her arms and told me I was beautiful.
The monster that had a hold over my heart.
One that I tried to slice away. But I can't.
And he was going to kill her.
That would be the end. The end of her. I would be free. Not just from the shackles, John freed me from, but free from her.
Did I want to be? Yes
I do.
But also, she's my friend.
The one that loved me.
I didn't even register it. My voice and the fire behind that one syllable that made Arron turn to look.
And that's all she needed, leaping up, pushing Arron to the floor.
"Please. Don't fight. No more. No more blood" my voice cracked and broke, the fire all burnt out. The letters all cracked with the weight of my confusion.
Why did I do that?
I had the answers but I didn't like them. They all lead back to the one word I want to burn.
One syllable.
"Amy. Do you love me?"
She looked at me.
I looked at her.
John. Help me. Please help me.
Amy stop. Please. You can't love her.this. this isn't love. This is obsession. This is where love comes to die.
What do I say?

"Get out. Leave. Leave me. All of you. Out"
Her voice a whisper. The sound of thunder, thunder so far away.
But the words were lighting that struck through every though and confused feeling.
Free. She was setting me free.

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