part 18

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Amy's point of view

"One thousand years ago or so a young man got ill, deathly ill. Really his family were distraught, nothing would cure him. Until a doctor they had never met before said they could cure him for a price. After handing over everything to save their beloved son, the doctor performed what he thought was a useless spell, a trick. Usually, he would 'cure' the patients and by the time they died, he would be long gone, along with their cash. Except something happened, whatever he did, maybe mixed in with the disease the young man contracted who knows, but the man survived. Except he was different, human food no longer sustained him like before. He was stronger, faster and worse of all, he could read people's mind. Something had happened to their son. The son that never got older. Who outlived his parents, his brothers and sisters, his nieces and nephews. Until the village cast him out. He couldn't age.
Then, one day he came across a dying man in the road, with a large cut down his leg. The man, weary after so long on the road, let his savage, primal instincts rule him and began to drink the man's blood.
And that was the first vampire."
What the hell.
They were not going to tell me that Emily was part of this nonsense.
This is a load of bull shit.
Maybe it's true. Just think it would explain everything.
"You're right. It does sound like total bull shit, that's what I thought when dad first told me. But honestly Amy it's the truth" John said.
How? How did he do that?
I looked at him. He smiled at me, a small, understanding smile.
"How? I can read your mind, I can speak inside your mind"
Like so. Hello. Please don't be scared. I'm still the same John. I'm just a little different. Because my dad, well, he's the man he was telling you about.
What the hell.
What. The actual.
"John, it's rude to speak to someone telepathically, especially when the other person cannot hear." John's dad said.
My father cannot communicate in peoples minds like I can, he can just read their thoughts.
He didn't look like a vampire.
John didn't look like a, a whatever he was -.
"I'm a half breed. It's rare, usually, a vampire doesn't settle down with a vampire long enough for them to have a child. Usually, they are either turned or killed. But my mother loved dad, but she died a while ago. Cancer."
I looked to him again, he obviously was hurting still. I was so confused, and I was still waiting for someone to start laughing telling me this is all some elaborate joke.
"Please. Just stop reading my mind" I whispered. I needed to take things, one step at a time.
"Would you like some sweet tea?" His dad asked. I nodded and John walked to the kitchen.
"Please, Amy I wouldn't do this if I didn't have to." He said his arm in mine. He seemed friendly. Yet he was a bloodsucking thing.
Oh, God.
I started to cry.
What the hell?
"It's alright Amy," John said, coming back in with a milky tea and a chocolate biscuit.
I drank the tea, it had at least five sugars in. Yet I carried on sipping it.
After a few minutes of nothing but the sound of my occasional slurp of tea.
I dare not think. My head was no longer a place where my thoughts are my own. And that scared me. I wanted to be scared of him, but I wasn't.
I wasn't scared of him.
Ok, maybe a little. But he's my friend.
My friend.
"What's the fact you're a vampire got to do with me?" If he even was a vampire. My head so confused, and my mind is laughing at me right now for even calling him a vampire. They don't exist.
Vampires do not exist.
Vampires exist.
John's dad looked at me and smiled slightly. It threw me off, that was John's smile.
"One night, something happened. One of the girls I decided to feed off didn't die. I only killed people who would've died anyway, and it was only once a year. Anyway, this street rat didn't die. Instead, she turned into a vampire, like me. She was bitter. So bitter and filled her heart with hatred, she vowed to destroy me for what I did to her. That day just so happened to be a blood moon."
Emily has mentioned a blood moon in what a month or so.
"Exactly," John said, "sorry" he added quickly then carried on.
"Look, dad created two vampires, one of which created ten more before everyone agreed to stop changing humans, to let the vampire race die out if it even can. But Emily has always been rouge, and doesn't believe any rules apply to her."
Emily. My friend Emily. Who rescued me from my loneliness.
She wasn't like what they were saying.
It's true. We have been keeping an eye on Emily, and she is really different when around you. You bring out the best in her. Problem is we fear she's going to try to turn you into a vampire on the next blood moon, the only day a human can turn into a vampire.
"No. No that's not true. Why would she do that?" Emily is my friend. Even if she was a vampire, like they are saying she why would she do that.
"Because she's lonely too. She has been for a long time. You're the first person she's ever made friends with."
I can't do this. Everything was crumbling around me, and I didn't even know whether or not to believe it. My best friend is a vampire that wants to turn me into a vampire. My other friend is some sort of half breed thing that has been keeping an eye...
What if the only reason he's been friends with me is to try and keep track of Emily? Is he actually my friend or was he just using me to get close to Emily?
Then, Emily. I didn't even have the words.
Is she my friend? Is she still the girl who touches my heart?
"I need to go"
"Amy, please wait," John said, but I had already walked out the door.
Amy, please.
Get out of my head.
I walked away, sobbing.
Why, why couldn't I just have some normal friends that didn't scare me, or lie to me.
Then I saw her.
She smiled at me.
And despite everything I ran to her arms.

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