part 29

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Hello, I'm back. I've taken my wee break and now I'm hopefully going to get back into things.

Emily's point of view

She spent two days in fitful sleep, waking every now and again, where I would feed her and let her drink. Then she would fall back into her sleep.
I had been checking the papers and local news, sure enough, she had been reported missing. Her parents had been cleared of any suspicion, and they had gone back to America.
Amy didn't deserve them. No one does.
But I need to be more careful, even though the police are stupid, even they can connect the dots.
Amy makes a new friend.
Amy goes missing. Along with this new friend that no one has heard of.
They'll do some digging and realise that all my papers are forged.
Emily does not exist.
It's a name I like, it's much nicer than my original name.

"Kill me" Amy whispered, awaking again.
She had been saying this a few times, and every time she did it was a knife through my heart.
She still doesn't understand, I'm not the enemy. I'm her lover, I'm the only one that understands her.
"Time to eat" I made her a sandwich, cheese because meat goes off too quickly. Cheese lasts a little longer.
I tore it up and fed it to her slowly. She chewed and swallowed because she was too tired to even try to resist.

"Emily. I don't want to sleep anymore. Please" she begged as I stirred in some sleeping pills into her water.
"Promise then to behave. Do as I say and you can stay awake"
Listening to her begs broke me. But it was for the greater good. For both of us.

"Ok" she bowed her sleepy head.
I smiled and placed my lips against her cheek.
She didn't flinch.

Amy's point of view

Amy. Amy, can you hear me? Please, please answer me.
John? Oh my god, John is that you?
Amy oh god you're alive. I thought, well I don't want to even say what I thought. Amy where are you? Are you alright?
John. Oh, John, it's Emily. She's got me somewhere, I don't know where. John, she keeps giving me these sleeping pills. John, I'm scared. She's going to turn me, she's gone mad.
Ok. Amy, play along. I'll find you I promise, but do as she says, whatever you do stay awake, I can't read your thoughts if you're asleep.
John, I don't want to be a vampire.
Amy. It will be fine. I'll find you. I promise.
Please hurry. I don't know how long it is until the blood moon. John, I'm scared.
Amy, Amy hold on. Alright.
I felt something cold, soft against my cheek. Her lips.
My mind screamed, two voices shouting over one another desperate to be heard, to be listened to.
One was telling me to flinch, to move away, to escape her touch.
The other told me to stay, to let her have this.
Do as she says, that's what John said.
And I refused to acknowledge the other reason for letting her kiss me.

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