part 16

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Amy's point of view

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry" Emily said after school. Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen from it looks like tears.
"Truth is I have been keeping something from you, and I didn't know what to do. Like you I've never had friends before, I've never had people I trust, or even care about in my life before. I live in a house, it was my parents, but now I live there. I didn't want to tell you that because no matter what j said to you then, it still hurts, mum and dad dying."
Oh God. Emily.
I couldn't take it anymore, I hugged my friend.
"Emily. Emily calm down." I whispered, usually the roles were reversed, usually, it was me who was emotional, she was a rock.
"I, I just want..." Emily said between sobs, but the last part was lost in a sob.
"Emily what, what's wrong?"
"I like you. A lot. I have done for so long. And it's been hard, so hard for me to tell you. All I've wanted is you. And I'm not used to this, loving someone, I've been alone for so long. I don't know how to do it. I'm sorry"
I didn't know what to say. She liked me. She actually liked me. All this time I was hurting her, I was hurting her.
How could...

She didn't tell me she was hurting. If we spoke instead of keeping secrets, then she wouldn't be sobbing right now.

"Emily. I'm sorry that I've hurt you. But you, I mean we, should've communicated about this, talked to each other. Work through it."
She smiled and hugged me. We didn't say anything else, and she didn't ask for an answer.
But I had my friend back at least. But something was different.
Maybe it was the fact that she confessed her love.
Or the fact that John couldn't have possibly known this, so the secret was either a lie and that he and some other motive.
Or there was something else. Because she didn't explain everything.
God, I feel like I'm moving in circles, repeating myself over and over. This idea that I'm always searching for this answer.
Maybe I'm not going to get it. Maybe friendships have secrets and I should just learn to move past them.
"I've got to head off Emily," I said after a while.
We smiled and waved.

I'm going to talk to John.

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