part 35

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Emily's point of view

He turned up. I was starting to lose hope, the sun was getting ready to set and I still had a drugged Arron on the floor of the warehouse.
But he came in, frightened, I could smell the sweat like a heavy perfume.
"Let him go, Emily"
He tries to say it with a brave face, trying to force some steel and power in his words.
"Why? I thought you hated him, your father who made you a monster. I'm helping you, John, doing what you fantasied doing so many times"
Arron moved, his body still fighting the drugs so his movements dulled and slow.
"I, I, you're lying. Emily. You're lying. Arr- father she's lying" John stumbled and tripped over his words.
I knew I was right, but damn I didn't realise how right I was.
"John, you hate me?" Arron looked more defeated now than he ever has done.
I had to try and restrain my smile, this was too good though.
This was better than any pain I could inflict.
John is so predictable it's laughable. My god, it's almost pitiful.
"Tell him, John, he's about to die, let him know the truth"
Let them play each other. Let them take care of each other, one way or another. Hopefully, with blood, Arron probably broken, on the floor because he's too shocked to move, with the blood of his child coating his hands.
I wish.
It'll probably end in tears and sobs.
So loud they won't hear the door locking. Cos this warehouse, this isn't where my new beginning will start.
My, our, new lives will begin at her house. Us at our happiest.

"I don't hate-"
"Don't lie to me" Arron tried to shout, but he couldn't. Still weak. I could kill him right now. I should. It'll easier.
But where's the fun in that?
But then again, should my fun be putting our future in jeopardy?
Let him hear John out, then I'll snap his neck.
We're hard to kill, vampires, crosses or holy water don't have any effect.
Instead, it is the head.
A bullet to the head.
A snap of the neck.
"Father. I, I, I'm a monster. The reason I'm different, the reason that people hated me, the reason mother hated me no matter how hard a tried, is because of you. You made me this way. I, I, I don't want to be a monster. I want to be normal I don't want to hear the world's thoughts in my head, hear how they hate me."
John started to cry, crumbling to the floor. I bet they forgot I was here, selfish monsters. It was too easy.
Arron opened his mouth and closed it again.
The drugs are starting to wear off. If I was going to do it I need to do it now.
I walked around their sobbing bodies. John couldn't look at his father. He won't see, he'll just hear.
Arron was too broken, like the words trying to escape his mouth.
He didn't realise until it was too late.
He didn't try to resist, what's another break, snap.
He was dead with a quick twist of my hands, snapping every bone in his neck and severing every numbed nerve.
"Father?" John screamed. His voice cracking like his father's bones.
John sobbed and held his father. Arron's head held on by the thin skin of a neck.
"Goodbye John," I said. I was smiling, everything, everything is working.
That man, who stole the life of a young street girl, breaking her in ways no one is supposed to break, is dead.
Resting in the arms of a son who hated him.

I locked the door. I doubt John heard over his sobs. Guilt is a loud emotion, who knew.

Time for Amy. Tonight is the first night of forever.

For the first time in centuries, I wish i could cry.

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