drunk night...

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nightmare had gotten drunk because he fail to beat the star sanse again...

so he got wasted all night reaching home to his....

well... no one because he got drunk everyone had went to there lovers exept one strange looking skeleton with black-... (no its no error) i meant to say large black eyes...

it was killer ok! but anyway this is how it started

killers pov
nightmare has been gone for awhile has he maybe i should go and check...

i hear the door slam open to find a wasted nightmare, he could braly stand up.
i walked up to him and just stared at the most fear skeleton in the multiverse...is so helpless right now man... "what happen to you"i said clearly playing around "shut up you sexy son a-..."nightmare shuting like no one is watchin, we stared at each other for a strainge min

he started to wake close to me..

nightmare pov

i wanna kiss him...

im drunk as fuk tho well...

i walked closer to him i could see he was backing away slowly it was like that until, his back was on the wall i kissed him like i was going to die towmarrow.

well...that kiss turned into sex

(im shitpasting ok)

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