My Lines

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"Donny, don't ignore me. Do you still have feelings for Penelope?" Sweetpea asked reading Sandra's lines. I looked at my script for a split second then looked back up.

"I don't think so. I look at you and see an angel in a beautiful blue dress with lips red like roses.  It's not the whiskey talking either, love."

"I feel for you like I've known you forever. You're incredible, Donny."

"When I first met you...when I first met you...Crap!" I yelled. Sweetpea started laughing at me and I threw my script on the ground. This was so frustrating.

"Calm down, Jones."

"Sweets, I have 3-weeks to memorize this stuff!"

"Dude, you couldn't do this play if you had more than 3-months. This isn't you, man." Sweetpea smiled. I sighed and picked up my script.

"But I have to do this. Will you please help me?" I asked. Sweetpea stood up and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I can't help you. But I will be at the play...with tomatoes." Sweetpea chuckled. I gave a light laugh and then we did our secret handshake. Mom pulled into the driveway and got out of the car.

"Boys! Can you help me carry in these groceries?" Mom asked. Sweetpea and I exchanged looks and then ran to the car to get the groceries. But I need to major help with this play.

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