Forgive Him

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I cut up the celery to put in the stu and Mom was reading the newspaper. I was really hoping that Betty liked her gift. If we can't be together, then I hope we could still be friends.

"Your father called me today. He said he saw you at the play and you yelled at him and walked away. Why did you do that?" Mom asked.

"Him sending a check for $500 a month doesn't make him my father. He's a deadbeat." I groaned. I turned around to look at Mom and she sighed. She was naturally a forgiving person and loved everyone.

"You need to forgive him, Jughead."

"He left us for that woman Carol."

"But I've forgiven him! You need to forgive him! Your father is a good man in spite of what he did." Mom nodded. I shook my head and went back to cutting up celery. I wasn't going to forgive him. He's a terrible person and I needed him. He just didn't need me.

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