Visiting Dilton

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Over the past couple weeks, I managed to stay busy. Practicing for the play and my lines, giving glances to Betty, and studying a lot. I decided to do what I should've done awhile ago. A visit to Dilton Doiley. I walked into Dilton's hospital room and he was laying in bed watching "The Twilight Zone". He had a broken leg and arm. He also had some bandages on his face.

"Come here to make fun of me?" Dilton asked looking over at me. He did a cold glare and I exhaled.

"I'm here to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did."

"Cool, you apologized. You feel better now?"

"No, I feel like crap still." I shrugged. Dilton propped himself up and he scoffed.

"I can't believe I wanted to be your friend. But now I see how awful of a human you are and I should've never approached you." He glared and looked back at his TV.

"I had to make that jump too. I remember telling everyone I meant to belly-flop." I chuckled. Dilton looked at me puzzled.

"How much did it hurt?"

"Worse than anything I had ever felt."

"Good." Dilton said. He weakly smiled and I gave a weak smile too.

"I'll see you at school in about a week?" I asked. He nodded and I sighed. Then I left the room and went straight to school. I had to play as the character, Donny Wikks.

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