Chapter 1

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Brock's POV

"I don't want to fucking go." I said frustrated as I watched superstars surround the ring from the gorilla.
"Brock listen to me. The McMahons ordered this. They specifically wanted ALL of The Authority there. That includes us. I tried to convince Vince to let us leave but he said if we did he'd strip you of you're chance to go after Cena for the championship." Paul sighed.
"Fuck the McMahons! I'm not fucking part of their damn Authority. I work by my fucking self." I yelled.
"Brock just walk out there and stand quietly next to the other superstars. We both have families we have to feed." Paul said.
"I'll be ok. You're the one with the fucking problem." I shrugged.
"Brock please. I'm begging you." Paul pleaded.
He stared me dead in the eyes with a look that I could only recognize as desperate.
I sighed, "fine."
"Oh thank god." Paul said as I heard him let out a sigh of relief.
I slowly followed Paul past the curtain and was immediately deafened by the crowd. I sighed frustrated as I saw Cena with the belt standing next to Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler. Stupid fucking Cena. That belt should be mine. I thought to myself as I came to a stop next to Paul. I stared daggers into Triple H (AKA Hunter). I never liked the guy before he was married to Stephanie and I sure as hell didn't like him now that he was. Damn bastard definitely capitalized off of Stephanie's vulnerability. Stephanie was pregnant and alone. A one night stand with a random guy and the result of that. Twins. Hunter may have liked Stephanie. Everyone had too being that she was the daughter of the Vincent Kennedy McMahon himself but nobody in their right mind would step up as a father figure to the daughter of the most powerful man in sports entertainment without thinking of the benefits that would come about in doing so. Son of a bitch gets everything from that family. It's not fucking fair. Then again when has life with the McMahons ever been easy? I was ripped from my thoughts by the voice of Vince.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. Tonight we have a very special announcement for you to close out just another exciting episode of Monday Night Raw!" He screamed with intensity.
Oh yeah so exciting. Another John Cena match with him burying new talent and another night of listening to you idiots. So much fun. I thought as I rolled my eyes.
"Stop rolling your eyes." Paul said to me quickly and I turned my head slowly and looked at him with a blank look.
"I'm out here aren't I?"
"Yes." He said.
"Then shut your mouth and take what you can get." I said as Paul quickly closed his mouth and turned his attention back to Vince.
"And now my lovely daughter Stephanie will take over."
Oh great.
"Ladies and Gentlemen as you all know WE are the power. WE are the authority around here." She said as the crowd booed.
Another speech about how we don't have the last name McMahon. Great.
"And that's because we have the last name McMahon." She said with a smirk.
I could fucking write this shit. Shit that's not a bad idea. Hunter in a steel cage match with sharks. Ugh that's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Fuck that.
"And considering we are the only McMahons around here we can do what ever the hell we want." She said again as she cackled into the microphone.
"That's right Stephanie," Hunter started, "and because the rat Drake McMahon is gone-"
He was immediately cut off.

I come from money
I come from class
These ladies love me for all my cash
Won't let nobody spoil my dreams
Cause I got money and I can do anything

"Woah woah WOAH. Did you guys just say you're the only McMahons left? Because even though both of you tried to get rid of me a couple of weeks ago it didn't work." Drake said as he sauntered onto the ramp.
The only McMahon I fucking respect. I thought to myself.
"As a matter of fact I used that time off to contact the board of directors," Drake said as Vince's face went pale, "oh yeah Vincey. And we had a little chat. Apparently they agree with my claims against all 3 of you and it's my absolute pleasure to inform you that all of you are currently terminated from your respective roles in this company and until a proper meeting can happen I have been given full control over Raw. You know because I'm a McMahon. And because the three of you AREN'T doing your jobs I guess the burden falls on me." Drake shrugged cockily.
"No!" Stephanie screeched as I used all my strength to not burst out laughing.
"Wait a minute," Hunter started, "if you have full control over Raw what happens to Smackdown?" Hunter asked cockily thinking they still had control over the show.
"Oh you see I didn't go alone when I went to meeting with the board of directors." He said as the crowd cheered and whispers were heard from the superstars standing around the ring.
"As a matter of fact Mom I think you know this person really well. Ladies and Gentlemen it is my honor it introduce to you the person in charge of Smackdown..." Drake said as he pointed to the curtain.

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