Chapter 17

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"Nicole." Brock said as he walked after me.
"What Brock?!" I exclaimed as I rushed into the bathroom to find my lipstick.
"This is not what I fucking agreed too. I mean sharing a hotel room, escorting you to a damn red carpet event for this stupid paper per view, playing nice with all of these celebrities? I didn't sign up for this bullshit and you know it."
"Well that's too damn fucking bad Brock." I said as I stared into the mirror.
"I'm not doing all of this." He said.
"Then leave." I said as I turned around to face him, "but just remember who signs your fucking pay checks Beast." I said as I walked by him and grabbed the dress hanging on the wall.
"So if I don't do what you say you'll what? Fire me?" Brock said as he laughed.
"That's a load of bullshit and you know it McMahon."
"Whatever Brock." I said as I rolled my eyes and pulled on my dress.
"Zip me up." I said as I walked over to him and gave him a stern look, "and you're going."
I heard him sigh as I turned around and he zipped up the back of my dress.
"Go get changed Beast we'll be leaving in 5."
"Fuck you McMahon." He muttered.
"Oh I know you want too Mr. Lesnar but that will have to wait for another time. We have a red carpet to attend." I said as I walked outside of the room.
"There you are!" Exclaimed Drake.
"We have to go! We're running late!" He said quickly as he looked at his watch.
"Relax Drizzy. We have time. Besides Cardi said she'd stall for us." I said as I shrugged nonchalantly.
"Tell your beast to move his ass." He said impatiently.
"Why don't you go do it if you think it's that easy to tell him what to do?" I challenged as he just gave me a worried look.
"No need as long as he's out here soon." He said as I smirked.
"That's what I thought."
"Speaking of the Mr. Lesnar." Charlotte said
"He's here." Drake finished for her.
I turned around and saw Brock close the door to the room and quickly make his way over to us.
"You clean up nice." Ashley said as she looked over his suit in approval.
All Brock did was grunt in response as he started to walk towards the elevators by himself.
"Eager much?" I playfully asked as we all walked into the elevator.
"Eager to get this over with actually." He said rudely as he aggressively pushed the button to the lobby.
"Damn someone's not happy to be in a suit." Drake said as everyone except Brock began to laugh.
"You better watch your mouth before I make sure you can't speak again." Brock threatened as he pushed Drizzy out of the way and walked into the lobby and out the doors.
"You're lucky this venue is next to the hotel because I think Brock would kill you if he had to sit in a car with you." Ashley joked.
"Ha ha so funny." Drake said sarcastically.
"It's true." I said as I walked out of the doors.
"Hey beast!" I yelled as he stopped walking.
"What?!" He exclaimed as I caught up with him and grabbed onto his arm.
"Appearances remember? We're supposed to be a fairly tale come true!" I said dramatically.
"Not much of the fairy tale type I'm more of a destroy everything action type guy." He muttered.
"No really?!" I mocked.
"Ok shut the fuck up."
"Act nice Beast." I muttered softly as we walked into the venue and I led him to the red carpet.
As soon as we stepped onto the carpet we were immediately blinded by flashes of light coming from every direction.
"I'm sick of this shit already." Brock said.
"Stop whining and keep moving." I said harshly as I smiled towards a camera.
"Don't tell me what to do." He said back rudely and all I did was roll my eyes.
After that moved through the carpet with ease and I saw Kim Kardashion at the end of the carpet as we walked off.
"Kim!" I said excitedly as I hugged her.
"Nicki!" She said back.
"How's Northy doing?" I asked.
"She still won't shut up about that necklace you got her." She said as she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Oh I bet." I said as I smiled.
"How's Ye? Last time I spoke with him he said something about the audacity of you to not get him a skin colored bandaid?" I said with a raised eyebrow.
"Don't even get me started." She said as she waved it off.
"Get in there Kimberly. And thank you for coming." I said sincerely.
"Don't even mention it. Plus North wanted to come. I can barely get her to do her homework on Monday nights now. All she wants to do is watch her Aunty Nicki." She said as she smiled.
"I'll catch up with you in there!" She exclaimed as she walked away.
"Kim Kardashion?" Brock asked unamused.
"She's actually really sweet if you give her a chance." I argued.
"Oh I bet she is. She seemed pretty sweet in that video with Ray J too." He said as he smirked.
"Oh my god." I said as I rolled my eyes. "You're disgusting."
"I'm kidding." He said as he laughed.
"Mhm." I said as I walked away and found my seat.
"Calm down McMahon." He said as he sat down next to me.
"Besides she really isn't my type anyway." He shrugged as a male voice came over the speakers and told everyone to find their seats.
"Oh really so what is your type?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"You." He said with a blank look.
"Nice one." I said as I smirked.
"A guys gotta try." He shrugged innocently.
"I guess if you count trying as completely failing then yeah." I said as I smiled.
"Whatever McMahon just go and make your little speech and then I can go home." He said with an eye roll.
"Actually Beast you'll be right up there with me." I said confidently as his eyes widened.
"Princess you've got that wrong."
"Nope I don't. You're going end of story." I said as I stared at the microphone placed on the stage.
"Ladies and Gentlemen you're host for tonight's event. Nicole McMahon."
The male voice said loudly as the audience began to cheer and I looked at Brock.
"It's show time babe." I said as I winked and got up on my feet.
I slowly walked up to the microphone with Brock holding my hand so I didn't trip on my dress.
I stood in front of the audience and I felt his presence stay behind me.
"First and foremost I want to thank each and every one of you for being here tonight." I said as the audience cheered loudly, "This show tomorrow night means much more then any other show we've ever had. As I'm sure you all know this event tomorrow night brings change to our industry and to the world as a whole. I could name off a list of reasons why everyone thought this event wasn't possible. But instead I'm going to name off a different list for you all; Charlotte Flair, Cody Rhodes, Mark Calaway, Brock Lesnar, and Nicole McMahon. Those are just to name a few. Everyone knows there's a pecking order in this business. Nobody speaks about it. It's just known and you all," I said as I pointed out to the audience, "You all consider those names and a few more as Elite...Icons...Legends."
"Everyone believes we were handed a silver spoon and that's how we got ourselves a seat at the "head table". I will be the first one to tell all of you that, that is far from the truth. You're right we are considered Elite. But we are because we have carved our own paths to be that of a legend. I didn't ask to be born a McMahon but the fact that I was gave me the opportunity and the resources to make a change. I am a black woman who lives in a white mans world. My gender does not change the fact that I put in twice the amount of work any man does. My skin color doesn't change the fact that I am a billionaire. It doesn't change the fact that I am a legend when it comes to this business. And it sure as hell doesn't change the fact that I want to make a change in this world and leave a footprint. I want all the little girls at home to know that it's not a mans world anymore. It is a woman's world. Because for all of you women sitting at home right now. Just know that you are capable of more then just washing dishes and taking care of your children. You can have a career. You can be everything a man can be. It doesn't matter your skin color or where you come from. Whether it's Beverly Hills in California or the Bronx in New York it doesn't matter. Everyone has the potential for greatness." I said as I looked out into the audience.
"And believe me. Once you find that greatness inside of you and you let it free you can be anything and everything you've ever wanted. No matter who you are. That my darlings' is a promise."
"Tomorrow night marks a change this world desperately needs and a change everyone deserves. I for one am humbled and honored that I get to bring this change upon us for the better. Thank you all and please have a wonderful night." I said as I softly thanked the audience again as they clapped and made my way backstage with Brock by my side.
"You did good out there." He said as we made our way past the curtain.
"Thank you." I said as I looked around.
"You're singing soon aren't you?" He asked me.
"Yes unfortunately." I said jokingly.
I'm not sure what
"Nah don't be like that. You aren't a billionaire for no reason clearly you can sing." He joked.
"I don't know about that one." I said as I laughed.
"Get back to your seat Mr. Lesnar. I wouldn't want you to miss my spectacular performance." I said as I playfully shoved him.
"You're right." He said as he went to turn around.
"Hey Beast." I said as he stopped walking and slowly turned around.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"So much for not wanting to come tonight huh?" I said sarcastically.
"Shut the fuck up McMahon." He said as he rolled his eyes and smiled.
"Whatever Beast." I said as I turned around and made my way to my dressing room.
I was happy.

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