Chapter 51

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[The Arena]
Monday Night Raw
9:34 P.M.

"Nicole I don't understand why you can't tell me what's going to happen in your dance." Dean argued as I looked at him with a glare.
"Dean just give it up already." Tessa said as Ashley and Galina nodded their heads in agreement.
"No!" He said sternly as he placed his plate of food on the table and sat down with us.
"Why don't you focus on pitching that idea to get you out of using that stupid red wagon for your promo before you come into catering and start a fight." Roman said as Seth laughed.
"Shut the hell up." Dean said as he eyes turned to slits.
"You're not getting anything from me or my husband Ambrose."
"He's my brother in law."
"Your point?" I asked skeptically.
"So maybe he'll tell me because I'm family."
"Yeah good luck with that." I said as I snorted.
"He likes me!" Dean said.
"Yes he likes you, but he wants to win as much as I do."
"He didn't even want to do this!" He shouted.
"Neither did you!" I shot back.
"Touché." He said as he shook his head in defeat.
"Babe what's wrong?" Sasha asked as she looked at Dean.
"He's pouting because I won't tell him about my dance I'm performing." I said as she laughed.
"We don't need to know because I already know that our dance is better." Sasha said confidently.
"Win a title and keep it for longer then 5 minutes and then maybe you can talk like you're the shit." Brock said loudly as he walked up from behind her with a cup of coffee in his hand.
"Hey!" Sasha exclaimed as she turned around to face him and started to point a finger in his chest. "That's mean!"
My husband shrugged blankly. "It's the truth."
"Nicole tell him to stop bullying me!" Sasha whined.
"You started it." I said as everyone bursted out laughing at the look on Sasha's face.
"Whatever Lesnar." She grumbled as she sat down on Dean's lap.
"You got a segment tonight?" Seth asked me as I shook my head.
"Nope. I wasn't scheduled for anything."
"That sucks. How are you supposed to find a way to get people to invest in your storyline if you aren't even getting tv time?" Roman asked.
"Vince said I don't need people to buy in to it because they already have. Randy and I have a storyline that was organically created. There's not many people who can create one and have the same emotional effect that ours has so he said that I don't need to be used as much on tv because everyone is already chomping at the bit to see Randy Orton versus Nicole McMahon. Ex husband versus ex wife. Mentor versus student. Legacy versus legacy. Orton's Versus McMahon's. Traitor versus underdog. Man versus woman. Take your pick. Any way they spin it the story writes itself." I shrugged.
"Well I'm looking foreword to your match the most." Galina said as Roman looked at her with his mouth agape.
"I'm on the card!" He yelled.
"I know! And I'm excited to see you wrestle obviously! But like Nicole said her match is Randy writes itself! It's years in the making!" Galina shouted back.
"Uh guys." Sasha interrupted.
"What?!" They both shouted in unison.
"Randy is on the screen." Brock said as I whipped my head to the tv.
"Please welcome my guest at this time. Randy Orton." Renee said as Randy stepped into view of the camera.
"Randy last week you were attacked by Nicole McMahon-Lesnar. Do you have any thoughts?"  She asked him as his face turned hard.
"Nicole is not one to underestimate. But let's not forget that I trained her to wrestle the way she does. I taught her everything she knows. She thinks that I need to pay for my sins? Renee she lost my baby. My beautiful child who I didn't even get to meet. She was and still is a selfish woman who doesn't deserve any happiness for what she did. Mark my words I'll see to it that she doesn't get the happy ending she so desperately wants." He said as she nodded her head.
"I'll be right back." I said as I got up and walked towards the interviewing area.
"Hey Glenn!" I said with a smile as I passed him and Jey Uso playing baseball. "Mind if I borrow that bat?"
"You want to borrow my bat?" He asked confused.
"Yes. Just for a quick second." I said with an innocent smile.
"Knock yourself out kid." He said as he handed me the weapon.
"Thanks!" I shouted as I ran to catch up with Randy as the camera followed him and showed him beginning to walk away from Renee.
"Hey can I ask you a quick question?" I said as I tapped his shoulder.
"What?" He asked and before he could finish his statement I whipped the bat against the side of his head and watched as he fell to the ground.
"Next time you talk about my baby like that again. I'll make sure I do much worse then a bat." I threatened as I walked off.
"Here's your bat." I said as I threw it at Glenn's feet and continued my journey back to catering.
"I'm back." I said with a smile as everyone looked at me blankly.
"What?" I asked.
"You just knocked your ex husband unconscious with a bat and you're acting like it's an everyday thing." Galina said as she struggled to hold back her smile.
"I've done that before to him." I said as I waved it off with my hand. "Our marriage was toxic. You all know this."
"Well." Roman said as he tried to change the subject. "Does anybody else have segments tonight?"
Everyone just murmured various no's.
"What do you say we all go back to the hotel and practice more for tomorrow?" He suggested.
"You need it from what Nikki tells me." Sasha said sternly as Seth groaned.
"She told you I suck?!" He exclaimed.
"In not so many words."
"I'm so excited to see this." Ashley said with a smile.
"I know some of you can dance, but others I'll pray for." Tessa said as she laughed.
"Nikki Bella!" I shouted as she looked at me from across catering. "We're going back to rehearse for tomorrow! You coming?!"
"Yeah I'm coming." She said as she said goodbye to her sister and walked over to us.
"Last rehearsal." Nikki said as she let out a nervous breath of air.
"Everyone will be fine." I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Now everyone get your shit and let's go!" I yelled as they all groaned.

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