Chapter 31

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"So can I ask you something?" Brock said as he sat down next to me on the steps.
"Yeah." I said as I looked at him.
"How'd you end up with Orton? And what the fuck happened between you both?" He asked.
"You don't know the story?" I said confused.
"There's a story?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Ah I forgot the big bad beast doesn't associate with people backstage." I said as I forced a laugh.
"Randy and I were...complicated." I said as I turned my head to look out at the pool, "I met Randy when I was sixteen. At that time he was working the legacy storyline with my parents and since it was the beginning of the summer I was traveling with my parents to tv every week. I thought Randy was practically a god. I worshipped him like he was. Aubrey always told me that I was delusional to think that he would even remotely notice me. Turns out Aubrey was wrong. Randy became my best friend. He was like a mentor to me. You ever notice how our wrestling styles are similar?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as Brock silently nodded, "Randy was the one who trained me to wrestle. He was the only one at the time that even remotely acted like they gave a damn. My parents were always so busy with the company and Aubrey was a teenage boy who didn't understand anything about me." I said as I shrugged sadly.
"Randy quickly became my main support system. Hunter groomed Randy to be the performer he was so they were practically brothers so that meant my parents trusted Randy with me. I hung out with him all the time. One thing lead to another and soon enough innocent sleepovers and secret conversations in the hallways of the arenas began to feel different. One night at Randy's hotel room he hit on me and of course I was a stupid teenage girl who didn't think about the consequences of her actions and I slept with him. I let Randy Orton take my virginity." I said as I nodded disapprovingly. "I ended up pregnant and the first thing Randy did when I told him was scream and place the blame on me. As if I was the one that failed to pull out." I scoffed. "I didn't know what to do so I listened to Randy. He convinced me that an abortion was the right thing to do because I wasn't ready to be a mother. He used my own insecurities against me. He said that my life would be over if I chose to have the baby and I believed him. He took me to a clinic and the next day Randy disappeared off of the face of the earth. He avoided me at tv. He changed his number. He did everything he could to avoid me and eventually I just moved on. Believe me it was the one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. So I started wrestling on the independent circuits and when I turned 18 I got signed to WWE. You want to know who the first person was to congratulate me?" I asked as I laughed.
"Randy?" Brock asked in an irritated tone.
"Yeah. After almost 2 years of not speaking to me he comes up to me and acts like nothing ever happened. Of course I was still stupid and still naive and I accepted his request to go on a date with him. Since I was of legal age I guess he wasn't embarrassed of me anymore. We dated for a year and then he proposed to me. That's when I became the Nicole Orton. I was absolutely untouchable.
I was the Women's Champion. I had the fans support. I was the daughter of Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. And I was the wife of the most ruthless bastard on the roster Randy Orton.
Nobody even dared to even look at me wrong in fear of their jobs or either their lives. I'm not sure which one. I was the happiest I had ever been. Randy and I were your typical love story. We were the definition of Romeo and Juliet. Two star crossed lovers who have a tragic ending. Nobody liked that I was Randy's wife. Nobody supported us. Nobody respected our relationship.
But we never cared. Things with Randy weren't always bad. Everyone makes it out to seem like it was always hell when in reality he was my first love and he was the most caring and romantic guy I had ever met. But we were two people that wanted two different lives. Randy wanted the power and the money and all I ever wanted was change. Randy liked the idea that he was "in" with the people who were quite honestly dictators. I wanted out of that situation and I wanted to change it. Randy didn't agree and that put us in a bad place. When my mother and I finally had our falling out me and Randy were in such a bad place that he turned his back on me.
He turned his back on his own fucking wife.
He's the reason why my career almost ended. He's the reason why I never got a chance to meet my baby. He took advantage of a young girl confused about her life and he exploited her for the simple fact of her last name. And that's something I will never forgive him for." I said as I finally turned to look at Brock.
"That night when my career almost ended. The feared...malicious...ruthless Nicole Orton died. And the broken heart of Nicole McMahon was left. I was gone for 6 years because I had to rebuild myself. I never knew the real woman that I was without the last name Orton. I had based my entire career off of being Nicole Orton. Off of being known as Randy Orton's wife and I had to find out who I truly really was." I said as Brock stared at me in silence.
"My marriage to Randy was the worst thing to ever happen to me personally but the best thing to ever happen to me in my career and I recognize that fact. But that alone will never change the fact that he was my husband and he didn't have my back. He never did. So as far as I'm concerned Randy Orton can burn in hell." I said.
"Randy never deserved you." Brock said as he pulled me into his arms and I hugged him back tightly as I sighed in content.

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