Chapter 29

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"Ok everyone dinners ready!" I shouted as they all made their way to the table.
"Nicole did you cook this?" Roman asked shocked as he looked at the food scattered throughout the table.
"No I wish." I said as I laughed.
"She can't cook." Brock said bluntly.
"My cooking isn't that bad!" I exclaimed.
"Yes it is." Turk said as Duke nodded his head in agreement.
"She burnt my eggs 3 times before." Turk added.
"Are you serious?" Dean asked.
"My scrambled eggs looked like pebbles." Turk said.
"Okay that's enough out of you." I said sternly as he laughed.
"Anyways," I said as I sat down. "I have an announcement."
"What announcement?" Seth asked confused.
"Well. Brock and I are flying out to Houston tomorrow for Raw." I said.
"Really?" Roman asked shocked.
"Yeah. It's time." I said as I smiled softly.
"Wow." Dean said quietly.
"You're ready for that? To go back there?" He asked.
"Nope. But I'm gonna have too eventually." I said honestly.
"Are you gonna wrestle?" Seth questioned.
"I figured I'd pay Ronda a special visit considering she's been calling me out over the past few weeks. She's gonna be in for a surprise when I take her title away." I said with a smirk.
"It's a title match?" Seth asked shocked.
"Yup." I said as I popped the p. "Brock has one too."
"Why now?" He asked.
"Vince called me. He said that he thinks me hiding from the public isn't creating a strong image for my brand. I hate to admit it but he's right. I want to see everybody from work. I miss Ashley. She dropped off the face of the planet when this happened. I want to see my parents. I want to feel alive again. I haven't for a long time." I said sadly.
"Nobody would blame you if you didn't want to go back yet though. Your brother died. That's not something you can just get over." Roman said.
"I know. But it's been 2 months. It's time for us to go back." I said as I looked at Brock and he nodded with a small smile.
"Everything's changed since then. But one thing that hasn't changed is the fact that I love that place with all my heart. And my brother never would've wanted me to hide from it." I said as I looked around the table at all the smiling faces.
"Dean?" I questioned after I realized he hadn't spoken.
"Yeah?" He asked as he broke himself out of his trance.
"I'd really like it if you came back with Brock and I." I said sincerely.
"Nicole I just...I don't know." He said.
"Uncle Dean you should!" JoJo exclaimed as she smiled widely.
"JoJo I don't know." Dean started to say but she immediately cut him off.
"No Uncle Dean you need to do it. Everyone misses you on tv. You were the best." She pleaded as she looked at him and pouted.
"Pleaseeeee Uncle Dean please!" She said again.
"Oh god." Seth said as he snorted.
"Here we go with the puppy dog look." Roman said as he rolled his eyes.
"Ugh fine." Dean said as he looked at me. "I'll do it. I can't run from them forever. I guess I just wish we could've stayed in this fairytale a little longer before reality set in." He said.
"Reality sucks." I said as Dean just nodded in agreement.
"It really does." He said as he looked at me sadly.
"Anyways!" Brock said as he cleared his throat. "There's a new storyline in the works."
"Yeah there is." I agreed.
"What's the storyline about?" Roman asked curiously.
"The McMahon faction is back." I said as Seth's jaw dropped.
"What?!" He exclaimed, "are you serious?!"
"Yeah." I said as I smiled.
"That was my favorite faction as a kid!" He yelled as he jumped up and down in his seat.
"You're a fucking child." Dean muttered as Seth flipped him off.
"It was my favorite too." I said.
"Well they're your parents." He said with a duh look on his face.
"Are you apart of it now?" Roman asked.
"Yes we are." Brock said with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh right I forgot you were." I said sheepishly.
"So I think we've clarified that Nicole thinks the world revolves around her." Brock said jokingly as I opened my mouth in disbelief.
"No I do not!" I exclaimed as everyone looked around the table with looks of we all know she does.
"When do you both fly out?" Galina asked changing the subject.
"Late afternoon." I said.
"Vince wants us to show up basically right when we have to go out." Brock said as he rolled his eyes.
"That way the fans won't know." I added.
"The fact he's bossing us around even though you still have control over the company is ridiculous but whatever." Brock said annoyed.
"I told him I needed time off and I gave him the right to do whatever he wanted until I was ready to come back." I argued.
"Still doesn't mean I have to be rushed." He said.
"You know you love Vince."
"Love is a strong word Nicole. Tolerate maybe. Dislike strongly yes. But love? Nah." He said as Dean chuckled quietly.
"Something funny Ambrose?" I said with attitude.
"I can just see why Vince hates me and Lesnar so much." He said as he laughed. "We don't put up with his bullshit."
"Amen to that one." Brock said as he looked at Dean and nodded.
"I don't put up with his bullshit!" Seth argued.
"Rollins you kiss Vince's ass any chance you get." Brock said.
"Is there anything I can do for you sir. Yes boss whatever you want. No I'll do it for you." Dean mocked.
"Whatever. Sorry I want to keep my job." Seth grumbled as slid down in his seat.
"Anyways." Roman said while he gave a pointed look to Seth.
"We're gonna move past this..."
"But!" Seth interjected.
"Don't." Roman said sternly as Seth rolled his eyes.
"You're not my fucking dad." Seth mumbled as I rolled my eyes.
"Rollins shut up!" I exclaimed as everyone started to laugh.
"I also wanted to know if any of you wanted to hear the new song I just recorded." I said as Galina nodded her head quickly.
"Yes please!" She said excited as I laughed.
"She's a Nicki Minaj stan." Roman whispered as she smacked his arm playfully.
"Really?" I asked with a smile.
"Yes." She said as she blushed.
"Hey I'm not gonna judge." I said as I put my hands up and shrugged, "my music is bomb."
"Please don't ever repeat that sentence again." Dean said as he cringed.
"You're a bully." I muttered as everyone began to eat.
"You know what on second thought I might just save that song for another night." I said as I thought out loud.
Galina immediately whipped her head in Dean's direction, "I'll kill you." She said threateningly.
"Me?!" Dean said astonished.
"You had to open your big ass mouth and now she's not gonna sing!" She exclaimed.
"That's not my fault!"
"It totally is!" She fired back.
"I'm leaving." Brock said as he got up and rolled his eyes.
"I already have to get on a plane and deal with Vince's bullshit I'll be damned if I have to sit here and listen to this." He muttered as he walked away.
I sighed loudly and wiped my hand across my face.
"That's gonna be fun to deal with." I said annoyed as I looked at Seth.
"I blame you." I said sternly as Seth dropped his fork dramatically.
"How?! I was quiet that whole time!" He shouted surprised.
"You just had to start the arguments about Vince." I said with a pointed look as I got up and began to walk away.
"I trust you all can manage to eat by yourselves. Boys when you're done come find me and I'll help you get ready for bed." I said as they both nodded silently.
"Good luck with dad." Turk shouted as I turned around and gave a small smile.
"Trust me I'm gonna need all the luck I can get." I said as I turned back around.

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