Chapter 54

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Bitch Better Have My Money...

I walked out to the sound of my music blaring throughout the arena and I stood at the top of the ramp as the audience cheered loudly. This is it. I said to myself as I took a deep breath and walked down to the ring. I slowly walked up the steps and walked across the ring to get a microphone from the stagehand.
"A lot of you have been asking me on Twitter one simple question." I said as I moved myself to the middle of the ring. "What's next for Nicki McMahon? The answer is not what you all would expect. You see last night at Wrestlemania I beat Randy Orton in the middle of this ring and it was bittersweet. It was bittersweet because although I won I'm sad to say that was my last match as an in ring competitor in this company. Therefore I have to relinquish the Raw Women's Championship." I said as the fans began to boo. "And please don't doubt that I am so grateful that my last match was with Randy because it feels like a full circle moment for me. For those of you that don't already know this, Randy Orton is not only my ex-husband but he also trained me to become the wrestler I am today and now flash forward 10 years later and I beat him in my very last match here. It feels like an end of an era so to speak. I feels like an end to a very important chapter in my life and now I get to start a new chapter. A new chapter as a wife and a mother." I said as the crowd began to chant what and I just smiled and rolled my eyes.
"The truth is I am not medically cleared to compete in this ring anymore because I'm pregnant!" I said with a smile as the audience's boos and confusion turned to loud cheers. "I won't sit here and begin this whole speech about how much I'll miss this place but," I said as a tear slipped down my face, "I just want to say thank you for everything. I have enjoyed every single second of all of this and without any of you by my side Nicki McMahon or Nicki Minaj wouldn't exist. I love you all so much. By no means is this the end. I'll still be around. It just won't be the same as it used to be. For over a decade I've stood in this ring and performed around the world for all of you and I'm so grateful I get to end my career on my terms. Never say never but as of tonight Nicole Lesnar is no longer a professional wrestler she is simply just a mother." I said with a soft smile as I heard my music begin to play and I slowly put the microphone down. The audience began to chant thank you Nicki and I smiled out to them as I walked up the ramp. "Dream big." I mouthed as stood there and absorbed the moment playing out before my eyes.
"Hey babygirl." I heard a voice say behind me and I turned around to see Hunter, Stephanie, Vince, and Shane standing behind me with huge smiles on their faces.
"Congratulations my girl." Mom said as she hugged me tight.
I smiled brightly but before I could respond I was stopped by my husbands music blaring throughout the arena. I immediately looked past my mom to see Brock and Dean walking out to his music with Caleb, Duke, and Turk in front of them as the audience screamed in approval.
What? I asked myself as I stood there in confusion but immediately swooped Duke up in my arms and I saw him running up to me.
"What are you two doing here?" I asked Dean as he smirked.
"You really thought we'd stay at the hotel?" He asked as I sighed.
"You two never listen." I groaned.
"I wanted to be here when you announced that we're having a baby." Brock argued as I smiled.
"I love you." I said softly as he kissed me lips and held Caleb close to him.
"You see that big sis." Dean said as he picked up Turk in his arms and stood next to me on one side as Brock stood on my other side.
"See what?" I asked confused.
"The cheering." Dean referenced as I nodded slightly.
"Yeah?" I asked confused.
"Not long ago this place would've been silent as hell because nobody really cared about this place anymore. They weren't invested. All of this. The noise. The sales. The chanting. It's all because of you." He said as I nodded slightly in shock at his statement.
"You changed the game." Brock said as he grabbed my hand and we were immediately surrounded by the rest of the McMahons standing onstage as Hunter and Stephanie went to Deans side and Vince and Shane stood next to Brock.
"There will never be another family in this business quite like ours huh?" I asked as Vince shook his head.
"There won't be because as dysfunctional as we are we love each other endlessly. That dynamic for us. It just works." He said as he stared at Dean and nodded slightly.
It wasn't much, but to everyone standing on that stage it meant a lot.
It was acceptance.
All of us stood on the ramp and looked out at the crowd as we took everything in. This was the last and only time all of us would stand on this stage together. It signaled the end of this adventure and the beginning of new journeys to come.
"Iconic is the best word to describe the scene unfolding before us right Micheal?" Graves asked.
"There has never and will never be another family like the McMahons in the industry of professional wrestling. They are a dynasty who has survived it all. They are. Legendary." Micheal said.
"Indeed they are. Last night was the last time we will ever see Nicki McMahon in a wrestling ring but make no mistake about it this young woman will be remembered forever."
"As tonight's show ends we'd just like to say to everybody here and everybody watching at home...thank you and tune in next week to Monday Night Raw."

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