Chapter 12

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Brock's POV

"Clear the halls!" I heard someone yell from the hallway.
What the hell? I thought to myself as I went to get up I heard banging from outside my door.
"Who the fuck is it?!" I yelled in annoyance.
"Your fucking boss." I heard a voice scream and then the door was kicked in.
"Sure come in." I said sarcastically.
She rolled her eyes as she closed the door and locked it.
"I have a business proposition for you Beast." She said as she smirked.
"And what might that be?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I heard you've been wanting an opportunity for the title? What if I told you I could give you that opportunity? In exchange for a favor of course." She said.
"What favor?" I asked skeptically.
"Well Beast you are going to be the face of Team Moxley at Survivor Series."
"Moxley?" I questioned.
"It was my name on the independent circuit." She waved off.
"And why exactly would I insert myself in this war?"
"Well like I said. You'd get an opportunity at the title like you've wanted."
"Tell you what princess. I'll do it. But I want something else along with the title opportunity." I negotiated.
"What would that be?" She asked as I moved in closer to her as her back hit the wall.
"You." I said as I quickly covered her mouth with mine.
She slightly gasped as I tugged at her hair and lifted her off the floor. Her legs wrapped around my waist as she began to kiss back roughly. I trailed my lips down her jaw line and started kissing on her neck.
"Beast." She said as she softly moaned.
"Come on princess is that all you got? I'll have you screaming my name soon." I said as my lips found hers once again.
"Brock!" I heard from outside the door.
I internally sighed to myself. What a fucking cock block. "What Paul?!"
"Why is the door locked?" He asked.
"Because this is my locker room and not yours you dumb idiot." I said annoyed as Nicki tried to hold
in her laugh.
"I need to talk to you." He yelled.
"Beast it's ok I have to go get ready for my match anyway." She assured as she jumped down from my body and walked to the door.
"So do we have a deal?" She asked as she turned back.
"What do you think princess?" I said as I smirked.
She opened the door and looked back at me once again, "Beast it's always a pleasure." She said as she winked and turned to walk out.
"Brock what just happened in here?" Paul asked nervously.
"Paul do you really want to know?" I asked annoyed.
"Oh god." Paul sighed.
"Why don't you ever listen to me?!" He exclaimed.
"What fun would I have if I did?" I asked innocently.
"And when have I ever been one to listen?" I added on.
Paul just grunted in response as he slumped down on the couch.
"Let's just go to catering." He said as he pulled himself up.
"Why?" I asked annoyed.
"Because every superstar is going there to watch Nicki versus Stephanie. Who ever wins is the team most superstars will support." He sighed as we walked through the halls.
"I hate that she's back Brock. It scares the shit out of me." Paul said honestly.
"She scares you because she's unpredictable and from what I've seen nobody can stop her." I said.
"Doesn't that scare you?"
"Nope. It draws me closer." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.
"I've never seen a woman like her before."
"Brock. Please don't do this. You saw what happened with her and Randy. And Randy's a legend in this business and he still got his ass handed to him. She can't be trusted." Paul pleaded.
"That's good. Because nobody should trust a beast." I said bluntly as I made my way to a table.
Paul just sighed and sat next to me as we watched the tv.

"The following match is scheduled for one fall! And the winner of this match will get first choice of superstars for there Survivor Series team! Introducing first from Greenwich, Connecticut, being accompanied by Triple H and Randy Orton, Stephanie McMahon!"
Everybody in catering sighed as we watched Stephanie saunter down to the ring with confidence.
She mocked the crowd as she got into the ring and did Nicki's signature hair flip as a sign of pure disrespect.
Thankfully her music stopped and we all waited for Nicki's familiar music to ring throughout the arena but instead an unfamiliar song started to play which caused the crowd to go ballistic.
"No. can't be..." Graves said as he stuttered.
"Nicki McMahon tapped into her dark side Graves." Cole said.
"Nicki McMahon isn't here Cole. The Queen of the Asylum is here. Nicki Orton is here."
"Indeed she is and Stephanie looks terrified."
"She brought up Nicki's father what did you expect Cole?" Graves questioned.

"No One Will Survive"

I watched as every superstar watched in fear at the music being played. Who the hell is Nicki Orton? I turned to Paul for answers but only saw the color drain from his face. "We're dead." He muttered to himself.
I raised an eyebrow at his antics and turned my attention back to the screen and my eyes widened at what I saw.
There she was. Nicki McMahon. Walking out to new music. In new gear. With blond hair and a gold mask over her face while she dragged a black baseball bat behind her.
"And her opponent from St. Louis, Missouri, she is the Queen of The Asylum, Nicki Orton!"
I watched in awe as she commanded the arena and left everyone in silent shock in catering.
She walked out to the ramp slowly and stood at the top and looked out into the audience. The camera panned to Stephanie, Hunter, and Randy and showed all the color in their faces drain just as Paul's had. Stephanie turned to hunter and put her face in his chest as she violently shook her head and Randy just stood still next to them in shock. Nicki slowly walked around the ring dragging her baseball bat behind her as she stared daggers into the trio in the ring. She made her way to the side of the ring apron and placed her bat beside the steel steps as she climbed onto the apron and slowly went down into a split. She took off her mask and placed it in front of her outstretched foot and rolled into the ring while still in the split.

 She took off her mask and placed it in front of her outstretched foot and rolled into the ring while still in the split

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She flipped her hair back as she knelt on the ground
and stared into Stephanie's eyes.
Stephanie jumped back into Hunters arms in one quick motion as Nicki got up slowly still keeping eye contact with her mother.
"I'm going to destroy you." Nicki said coldly as everyone in catering watched on in silence.

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