Chapter 2

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Nicki's POV

I waited in the back as I watched my brother walk out to his music and the camera panned to my mother and "father".
Idiots ruining my company. My legacy. Fucking stupid.
6 years ago I was the first woman to hold the WWE Championship. I was the reason shows sold out. I was the reason why this company was the end goal for any wrestler. I opened doors for the women here before The Bella's were even relevant and what do I have to show for it? Oh that's right. A broken neck and a fractured shoulder from jumping off of a steel cage with my mother. Fucking ridiculous.
I sighed in frustration as I thought back to that night. I was stripped of my title. And it was all because that bitch had help. Well pay backs a bitch mother.
I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I mentally prepared myself before balling my hand into a fist and turning around to hit who ever just touched me but before I could my hand was caught.
"Woah there killer. Calm down." Mark said as he chuckled softly.
"Mark!" I screamed as I pulled him into a hug, "I missed you." I mumbled as I dug my face into his shirt.
"I know kiddo I missed you too." He said as he brushed the hair out of my face.
Mark always was like a father to me. He's the only true parental figure I've ever known. He always listened and he always cared. After the accident he was the one sitting by my hospital bed with Ashley.
"Didn't make it down to the ring?" I asked with a smirk.
"Like hell I was gonna go out there." He scoffed.
"You here to raise some hell?" He asked curiously.
"Of course I am." I winked.
I slowly turned my head to see Drizzy motioning to the ramp and the sound of my music playing.
"Well I guess that's my que." I said as I saluted him.
He chuckled loudly, "still haven't changed McMahon."
"Haven't changed. But as my dear old step father would say I've evolved." I smirked and I pushed the curtain to the side and left Mark standing there.
As I walked out the energy was undeniable. I walked up to my brother and grabbed his hand and flipped my hair back while cackling. I took the microphone he held out for me and smirked at the audience cheering. Welcome home indeed.
"Hi mommy dearest." I said as I waved mockingly.
As the words left my mouth Stephanie's face went ghost white.
"Did you miss me?" I asked sarcastically.
"Last time we were in a ring together I kicked your ass all around this arena. Care to do it again? For old times sake?" I said as I laughed, "not interested? Dammit. A girl could only dream. But any ways!! How does it feel to know that your children have taken everything you ever wanted away? That your daughter, your little baby girl has taken your life's work away. Must suck huh? I guess I could only watch you ruin this business for so long before I had to come back. We are here to shock the system." I said as I smirked evilly and made my way down the ramp with Drizzy by my side. The audience was cheering louder then they have in the past 6 years. I guess not having anybody remotely worth cheering for gets to you. I watched the fear grow in every superstars eyes that I passed. Good. I chuckled lowly as they quickly moved to make room in fear of what may come if they didn't.
My plan was working perfectly. I watched as the faces on my family turned to fear. Hunter was rushing to get the Bellas into the ring he didn't even notice the four men in the ring taking down the shield. Vince noticed though and that's all it took for him to realize what was happening. This was an undertaking. Yes my brother helped me but Vince knew and everyone here knew this was my plan. My idea. And my company. I watched as my mother turned around and realized her precious security was down and out and she whipped her head back and forth in terror.
"No. No. No." I heard her mutter.
Oh yes mother. I saw her terror turn into hope as she heard the sound of Charlotte Flairs music around the arena. She smirked as she began to believe there was hope, but all that hope was crushed once Ashley stood next to me and smiled. She was my best friend. No longer my mother's puppet. No longer on the wrong side.
"You're still out numbered." I heard her say.
"Oh am I?" I asked mockingly.
"Hold on one second." I asked sarcastically and I motioned to the ramp.

I got a feeling things is turning up for me now
Stacked to the ceiling
Money taller then a dream now
Yeah I be winning winning victory with a smile

I saw the color drain from Stephanie's face yet again as she realized just who this was. Tessa Blanchard.
A second generation wrestler. I wasn't just taking over this company. I was rebuilding it. And in order to do that I knew I needed the best of the best. And Charlotte Flair and Tessa Blanchard are just that.
Just then the four men in the ring took off their masks and the audience started screaming loudly. The Undisputed Era. Hunters babies. They started beating down Hunter, and I smirked as Charlotte and Tessa both slid into the ring and started attacking the Bellas.
Welcome to your new reality mother.
I studied the wrestlers surrounding the ring, looking for any sign of defiance. Nothing. But my eye caught somebody else's stare. Brock Lesnar. Most of the men and women surrounding the ring avoided eye contact. But this man showed no fear. I cocked my head to the side in confusion. Does he know who I am? I shook my head quickly refocusing on the situation in front of me. I quickly slid into the ring and hit Stephanie with my vintage split DDT. Drizzy took my hand and helped me up. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hunter beginning to realize what had happened. I went over and quickly picked him up onto my shoulders. I turned around and stared into the bright blue eyes of the beast and hit Hunter with an F5. Take that bitch. I thought to myself. He nodded his head as he smirked. Impressed? Yeah he should be. I got up and stood with Drizzy and Charlotte as I soaked in this moment.
This was no longer a company that ran itself into the ground. This was no longer a company controlled by Vince and Stephanie McMahon. This was a company controlled by Nicole McMahon.
This was a war. McMahons versus McMahons. And only one side will win. It's just a matter of who is smart enough to join me. To fight with me. And to win with me. Anybody who stands against me will pay. So choose wisely. Because Nicki McMahon is here and she's here to stay. And that's a fucking reality check.

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