Chapter 45

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It's been 2 days since the accident and Dean hasn't woken up. The doctors say that he will, but until the swelling goes down it won't happen anytime soon. Stephanie, Hunter, Brock, and I have taken turns doing shifts throughout the day.
"Nicole you have to go." Stephanie said as she sighed.
"I'm not leaving him mom." I said defiantly.
"Your dad and I will be here the whole time with him. He won't be alone. You made a verbal agreement to be at Raw with Brock. You can't miss it." She argued as I rolled my eyes.
"Your mother is right." Hunter said as I looked at him perplexed.
"They need you at Raw more then Dean needs you." He said.
"Actually you don't know what Dean needs. None of you do!" I shouted.
"Neither do you." Hunter said as he looked at me with pity.
"You're not going to lose him Nicole." Stephanie said.
"I...I know." I said softly.
"Then go to Raw. Come back after for all we care. You need your job. And you need to look like you've got your shit handled if you want to win custody of Caleb." Hunter said as I looked at him and sighed.
"I'm coming back right after." I said as I looked at Dean one last final time.
"I'll be back." I whispered as Brock took my hand and led me out of his room.
"He's going to be okay right?" I asked him.
"Dean's one strong son of a bitch Nicole. Do you even know the amount of times I've beat his ass to hell in that ring but he somehow is still alive? It's because he's a fighter." Brock said as I nodded softly.
"Yeah he really is a fighter." I said as Brock nodded.
"Now let's go." He said as he dragged me outside the hospital to a car waiting to take us to Raw.
"How far is the drive from the arena?" I asked impatiently.
"5 minutes so calm yourself." He said sarcastically.
"Whatever." I said playfully as I stared out the window.
"Randy's going to be there tonight." Brock said.
"I know."
"What are you going to do?" He asked.
"As long as he doesn't provoke me I'm not going to do anything." I said.
"Really?" Brock said with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes really."
"Are you lying to me Nicole?" He asked.
"I don't know." I said honestly. "I don't know what I want to do yet."
"Okay." He said as we both turned our attention to the arena as we pulled up in front of it.
"We're here." The driver said as Brock and I nodded and climbed out of the car.
"I'll grab your case. You walk inside and take a shot or something." Brock joked as I chuckled quietly.
"I just might." I said as I began to walk towards the doors and saw a flash of bright violet hair fly by me.
"Sasha!" I screamed. "Wait up!"
"Yes Nicki?" She asked nervously.
"What's going on with you and my brother?" I asked with a smirk.
"Oh uh," she said as she scratched the back of her neck, "we're dating."
"You do realize my brother is a McMahon right?" I asked.
"Yes I'm fully aware."
"I hope your not using him to further your career because I'll have you fired from not only this company but this industry as a whole if you fuck with him." I threatened as she looked at me with terror written across her face.
"Kidding." I said with a playful laugh. "Unless of course you do it."
"I won't." Sasha said quickly. "I really like Dean."
"Well then that's something we can agree on." I said with a genuine smile.
"I'm actually surprised you haven't visited Dean yet."  I added.
"Visited him where? Your house?" She asked confused.
"No I mean the hospital?"
"Why is he in the hospital?" Sasha asked with panic in her voice.
"My bastard of an ex husband attacked him." I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Is he okay?!" She exclaimed.
"He's unconscious and hasn't woken up for a couple of days. How have you not heard this?" I asked confused. "Nobody called you?"
"No!" She yelled.
"Oh. Well then this is awkward." I said as I looked up at the sky. "God please help me."
"Why didn't anyone call me?!"
"Probably because nobody knows your a factor in Dean's life besides my husband and I. Well and the Shield of course." I said.
"I just assumed someone had called you but now come to think of it if the only person that would've known to call you was me then I guess it's my fault." I said as I shrugged with no remorse. "Sorry?" I said as more of a question then a sincere statement.
"It's fine I guess." She said with an eye roll. "Can I go see him with you after the show ends?"
"Yeah of course. It's the least I could do." I said.
"Thanks." She said as she began to walk off.
"Oh and Sasha?" I called out as she turned around.
"Next time you and my brother decide to do sexy time on the phone can you tell him to lock his bedroom door? We wouldn't want some innocent and unsuspecting person to be scarred for life now would we?" I asked with a wicked smile.
"Fuck you." She said with a laugh.
"Nah that's my brothers job." I said as I immediately regretted my words, "ew that was so gross."
"You're an interesting one McMahon." She said with a smirk.
"Actually it's Lesnar now." I said with a wink.
"My bad! Mrs. Lesnar." She said.
"Get to work Banks." I said as I shook my head and watched her walk off.
"Nicole!" Brock screamed as I looked back and saw him wheel the luggage behind him. "If you aren't going to go inside like I told you and your going to stand here and gossip with your brothers girlfriend what you can do is help me."
"Sorry I didn't know you bossed me around." I said with an eye roll.
"You would've found out sooner or later. Trust me I don't give up control in any situation. Especially ones concerning you." He said as his eyes turned dark.
"Okay you weirdo we'll discuss that later first I have to kick a snakes ass." I said as I walked inside with him following closely behind.
"Nicole wait why isn't anyone here?" Brock asked confused as we realized the hallway for staff was empty.
"I don't know. Maybe..." I started to say but was cut off when I heard a grunt and I quickly turned around.
"Brock!" I screamed as Randy stood above him with a sledgehammer in hand as my husband clutched the back of his head in agony.
"What are you doing!" I shouted.
"Evening the score." He stated bluntly. "I'll see you out there babydoll."
I watched in anger as he made his way towards the gorilla and cued the sound tech to play his music.
"Go." Brock choked out as I shook my head.
"I'm not leaving you here alone." I said.
"Nicole! What the hell happened!" Sasha shouted as she ran to my side with Ashley and Tessa following closely behind.
"Go." Brock said again as I shook my head.
"Nicole go we'll stay with him." Sasha said as Ashley and Tessa nodded their heads behind her.
"Okay." I said defeated as I heard Randy start to speak from the monitor.
"My ex wife ruined my life and lost our baby and now she thinks she can move on with Brock Lesnar and play mommy to his kids and her stupid nephew. If she even gets custody of him. Who knows with the temper she has she probably won't." Randy said as he laughed.
"Go!" Brock yelled as I nodded my head and ran to the gorilla.
"Play my fucking music now." I screamed as I ripped a microphone out of a producers hand and I walked past the curtain.
"Randy what the hell do you want from me? Clearly you've done all of this to get my attention. Well congratulations you've got it." I said as I made my way down the ramp and into the ring.
"So I'll ask you again what the hell do you want from me?"
"You know what I want McMahon?" He asked.
"What do you want?" I asked back with a glare.
"I want Randy Orton Versus Nicki McMahon at Wrestlemania." He said bluntly as the audience started to cheer.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"You're on." I said with a wicked smile as I went to leave the ring.
"Oh and sweetheart." He called out to me as I turned my head to stare at him once again.
"Be sure to say hi to the family for me."
"You want to know something?!" I shouted as I walked up to him.
"You've just made the biggest mistake of your career Orton."
"Oh have I?" He mocked as I nodded my head defiantly.
"You're not getting Nicki Orton. You're not getting Nicki McMahon. You're not getting Nicki Minaj or Nicki Moxley. No Randy. What you're getting is much worse. You're getting Nicole McMahon-Lesnar. You're getting the woman you screwed over so many times I think both of us can barely count. Randy I haven't forgotten who you are. You're the apex predator. The man who singlehandedly taught me everything I know about this business. But I think you've forgotten who I am. I'm the only woman to have ever held the WWE title. I'm your ex fucking wife. And I know everything there is to know about you. You stand there and claim to be the reason why this business is what it is. That you are the man. Well I've got a news flash for you Randy. You may be the man, but I'm the woman." I said as I stepped up to him so I was inches away from his face. "And you know I am not an easy beat. That's why you've done all this. You attacked my family. My husband. You've brought my kids names up and thrown the fact our child didn't survive in my face so you could get in my head. Well guess what Randy? You're plan just fucked you over because you aren't getting a character or a persona at Wrestlemania. No. You're getting a woman fighting for her family. Fighting for her husband. Fighting for her kids and her legacy. You want to know what's so scary about a woman who's had everything taken away from her? She has nothing left to lose. So come Wrestlemania. I'm going to end you. After all the first thing you taught me was when circumstances change and you have things taken away you learn to adapt or you'll perish? Isn't that right? Well I can make a promise to you now that you will perish. A woman scorned is the worst type of woman Randy. And I've had a score to settle with you for 7 years. So it's only fair we do this at Wrestlemania where I can once again prove to the world you always needed Nicole McMahon but Nicole McMahon never needed Randy Orton." I said as I stared into his eyes.
"Oh yeah." He mouthed as he smirked in my face.
"Yeah." I mouthed back as he went to clothesline me but I ducked and jumped off the ropes with a backwards moonsault.
I slowly walked to the microphone that laid on the mat and I picked it up to my mouth.
"It's time to play the game." I smirked as I slammed the microphone on his chest and left the ring as my music blasted through the arena.
As I walked through the curtain as I saw Brock standing close by.
"You're okay right?" I asked concerned as I rushed over to him.
"He hit me over the head. He didn't shoot me. I think I'll survive." Brock said with an eye roll.
"I don't need the fucking attitude." I said as I looked at him and pulled him into a hug. "I'm glad you're okay."
"Listen Nicole...there's something I need to tell you." Brock started to say but a voice behind us caught my attention before he could finish.
"Are you sure you're able to be here after what happened?!" A familiar female voice said.
"I woke up and I'm fine Sasha I don't need a pity party because I was sleeping for 2 days." Dean said as he rolled his eyes at her playfully.
"Dean?!" I shouted as I walked around Brock and ran to him.
"Oh my god how are you here?! This isn't possible you were asleep when I left on a fucking hospital bed!" I exclaimed.
"Doc discharged me." He said nonchalantly.
"Wait that means you woke up with Stephanie by your side." I said uneasily. "How did that go?"
"Uh..." He said as he looked to be deep in thought.
"What the fuck happened?" Dean said groggily as he began to wake up.
"Oh my god! Hunter!" Stephanie screamed as her husband came charging into the room.
"What's wrong?!" Hunter asked panicked.
"Get the doctor Dean's awake!" She shouted as Hunter ran out of the room.
"Stephanie?" He asked confused.
"Yeah Dean it's me." She said with a soft smile.
"Mr. Good? I see you're awake." The doctor said as he walked in with a clipboard in hand.
"What happened?" Dean asked again.
"You were unconscious for a few days. Lucky enough it wasn't too bad. How do you feel?"
"Like I was hit by a bus." Dean said as the doctor chuckled.
"Seems accurate. I'll give you some pills you can take over the next few days to relieve the pain but other than that you should be good to go. I don't see any reason to keep you here." The doctor said as Dean nodded.
"I've got to say you are very lucky to have a mother and sister like your own." The doctor started to say as Dean looked on confused.
"What do you mean?"
"They haven't left your side. Especially Stephanie. She fought with the nurses to let her and your sister stay here overnight. You've got a good one." He said with a wink as he left and Dean looked on perplexed.
"You stayed here this whole time?" Dean asked shocked.
"Of course I did." Stephanie said with a smile.
"Thank you." Dean said genuinely.
"You never need to thank me Dean. I'm your mother and I'm always going to care about you no matter what you may think of me. I'm going to make everything up to you somehow. I promise." She said.
"Dean?" I asked.
"It was good." Dean said as he broke away from his thoughts.
"Who's ready to party?" He asked with a smirk.
"I don't think you should be going out to bars quite yet." I said with a glare.
"Who the fuck cares! I'm alive so we should celebrate!" He said loudly as we all laughed.
"Fine. Tonight's a Monday Night Rager anyway." I said as I looked towards Brock.
"You in?"
"Always." He said with a smile.
"Hey!" Roman said as Seth and Galina walked alongside him.
"Hey!" I said back as he looked at Dean.
"You alright man? We heard about Randy." He said.
"I'm fine." Dean said as he rolled his eyes. "I'm not fragile."
"Anyways," I said as I looked at Sasha, "you coming with us tonight?"
"I'm invited?" She said shocked.
"Of course you are." I said with a smile.
"Then yes I'd love too."
"Galina?" I asked with a smile. "You and Roman will be attending won't you?"
"Wouldn't dream of missing it."
"I'll be going too." Seth said, "just figured I'd let you all know considering nobody asked me."
"I was getting to you." I said sarcastically.
"No you weren't." He said back.
"Do you have a date?" Dean asked.
"As a matter of fact I do." Seth said with a proud smile on his face.
"Who?" I asked curiously.
"Nikki Bella."
"Hate to break it to you but isn't she with John Cena?" Roman said as he laughed.
"Not any more." Seth argued, "they're not together anymore!"
"Ah I see." I said with a smirk as Brock looked at me curiously.
"What do you know?" He whispered in my ear.
"I'll tell you later." I said with a smile.

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