Chapter 18

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"You look absolutely gorgeous Nicole." Drizzy said as he helped me walk to the stage.
"Thanks Aubrey." I said sincerely.
"Damn you called me my real name." He said as he playfully laughed.
"You're gonna do amazing." He reassured me as we waited for the lights to go out.
"I just want people to know that I was here." I said softly.
"I want them to know I tried my best to change this world. That I was worth something."
"You are worth something and what you're doing Nicole, not many other people would do. You're brave." He said as he squeezed my arm as the lights went off in the room.
"Ladies and gentlemen performing her new single for the world...Nicki Minaj!!"
"I guess that's my cue." I said as the deafening cheers filled the room.
"Hey Nik." Aubrey said as I looked at him one last time before I went out, "people will always know that you were here." He said as I smiled softly at him and walked out to the dark stage.
I stood in the middle of ground and took a deep breath as one single light hit me and everything all the nerves, all the pressure, just left my body. The stage was always where I felt the most free.

I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time

I looked out into the audience and saw Aubrey find his seat next to Ashley.

Know there was something that and something that I left behind
When I leave this world I'll leave no regrets
Leave something to remember so they won't forget

I was here, I lived, I loved

I was here, I did, I've done everything that I wanted
And it was more than I thought it would be
I will leave my mark so everyone will know I was here

I wanna say I lived each day until I died
And know that I meant something in somebody's life
The hearts I have touched will be the proof that I leave

That I made a difference and this world will see
I was here, I lived, I loved

I was here, I did, I've done everything that I wanted
And it was more than I thought it would be
I will leave my mark so everyone will know
I was here, I lived, I loved
I was here, I did, I've done everything that I wanted
And it was more than I thought it would be
I will leave my mark so everyone will know I was here

I just want them to know
That I gave my all, did my best

I looked out into the audience and looked eyes with Brock as he nodded in approval. Perhaps of the message I was sending. Regardless of what the reason was the fact he was giving his approval meant more then I thought it would to me and I didn't know why yet.

Brought someone some happiness
Left this world a little better just because I was here

I was here, I lived, I loved
I was here, I did, I've done everything that I wanted
And it was more than I thought it would be
I wanna leave my mark so everyone will know I was here

I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here, I did, I've done

I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here, I did, I've done

I was here

I wiped a tear I didn't know was falling down my face as I bowed my head towards the crowd.
This was my chance to change the world. I wouldn't fail. I would succeed. I would change the landscape of the world as we know it. I am Nicole McMahon. I am the game changer.
I broke from my trance as I watched Brock make his way onto the stage and he grabbed my hand as he helped me walk off.
"You were sent a message out there Nicole." He said.
I nodded my head softly as I heard the audience still clapping.
My breath hitched as I saw him slowly lean down next to my ear.
"Go." He whispered in my ear as he pulled away.
"Okay." I said softly as I turned around and I walked down the hall to my dressing room.
But before I got there I noticed 4 figures standing by the door.
"Hello?" I asked confused.
"Oh my god daddy!!" I heard a little girl squeal.
"It's her!!" She said excitedly.
"Yay." I heard a raspy voice say sarcastically.
"Shush Uncle Dean." I heard her say.
Before I knew it a little girl came ramming towards me at full speed.
"Hi little one." I said as I bent down and picked her up into my arms.
"And who may you be?" I asked curiously.
"I'm JoJo." She said with a big grin.
"Well hi JoJo. My name is Nicki." I said back with a smile of my own.
"I know who you are." She giggled.
"JoJo what have I said about running away from me." I heard a familiar voice say as 3 figures came running over to us.
"Oh thank god." Roman said as he let out a sigh of relief.
"Reigns?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"This is my daughter JoJo Anoaʻi." He said as JoJo smiled brightly.
"She's a beauty." I said as I hugged JoJo tighter.
"Rollins." I said as I nodded in Seth's direction.
"Ambrose." I smirked as I faced the man who had slapped me just 2 weeks prior.
"McMahon." Dean said roughly.
"Why the rough tone? Didn't you miss me?" I said dramatically.
"Nope not a chance darlin." He said back.
"Well what can I do for you fine young men? I bet you that mommy dearest doesn't love the fact your attending a Moxley thrown event." I said as I smirked.
"Actually she doesn't know." Rollins said.
"And we'd appreciate it if you kept it that way." Reigns added on.
"Considering you're using my old ring name for this event I'd think I should be allowed to be here." Dean said sarcastically.
"JoJo here is one of your biggest fans and she begged me to take her to this event." Roman said changing the subject as JoJo nodded her head enthusiastically as I smiled down at her.
"Oh really?" I asked, "well how would my biggest fan like it if she was able to get a signed shirt and a picture with me?" I said as she screamed.
"OH MY GOSH DADDY PLEASE CAN WE?!" JoJo begged as she held onto me tighter.
Seth snorted, "good luck resisting that man." He said as he continued to laugh.
"Yes we can." Roman said as he sighed.
"Yay!" JoJo said excitedly.
"Thank you." Roman said sincerely.
"Of course. We may be on opposite teams right now. But children should never be caught in the mix. My mother did that to me and it was the worst decision she ever made. I'd never do that to your daughter." I said sincerely.
"Now come on you guys. Come sit down." I said as I opened the door to my dressing room.
"You know you're different then I thought you'd be." Seth said.
"What? Did you expect me to be a cold hearted bitch like my mother?" I laughed.
"I'm a lot of things but I have a heart." I added on.
"Working for your mother was the only option at the time. You weren't around and your brother wasn't in a position of power. Now things are different. You want change in this company and we agree with that." Roman said.
"Some of us may not be able to fucking stand you." Dean added on, "but we respect what you're trying to do here."
"Really?" I asked suspiciously.
"You don't have to believe us. Hell you don't even have to trust us, but if you ever need our help we're here." Seth said as he sat down.
"You three would really betray my mother for me?" I asked.
"In a heart beat." Roman said, "we want the change you advocate for."
I nodded my head as I placed JoJo on her feet and walked over to the chair that sat in front of the couch.
"Well then boys. Let's talk business."

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