Chapter 49

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After a lot of failed attempts from Brock to get me to stay at the hotel for the rest of the week with him everyone ultimately decided to fly back home. It was Wrestlemania season which meant everyone was about to get extremely busy so we had to take advantage of the time we got to spend at home.

"Help me bring in the suitcases!" Dean shouted.
"You've got it stop complaining!" I shouted back.
"Don't worry babe your doing great!" Sasha yelled with a grin.
"I wish you both hated each other so much!"
"That's not nice." I said as I pretended to wipe away a tear.
"Hey Nicole?" Nikki asked as she walked up to me nervously.
"Yes?" I asked with a small sigh. Unfortunately for me Seth had invited Nikki to spend the week with him which meant she was staying here.
"Seth told me to tell you that unless you came in and showed him which food was yours he's going to eat it." She said as my eyes grew wide.
"Seth!" I yelled as I charged inside. "Don't touch my food!"
"It's too late." He said with a mouth full of food.
"You're paying for that." I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Don't drop crumbs on my furniture!" I shouted as he sat down next to Brock, Roman, and Galina on the couch.
"I won't." He said assuringly.
"Thanks for the help." Dean said as Sasha and Nikki giggled at him dropping the luggage on the ground as if it was the worlds heaviest rock.
"You're lucky you're my sister." He said as he grabbed a water bottle from Brock.
"Next time we go out we should dance again." Galina said as I laughed slightly.
"Sure. Sasha you want to dance with us?" I asked.
"Well considering I'm the better dancer I should be able to participate." Sasha scoffed.
"No I'm the better dancer." Galina protested.
"Galina you've only danced with us once." I said.
"Yeah and that one time I did it, it went fucking viral. It's clear I'm the attraction in this group." Galina said with attitude.
"I know for a fact I'm better then Nicole." Sasha said as my mouth dropped open in shock.
"Well if you ladies think you can out dance me what do you say we have a little competition to see if it's true?" I asked with a smirk.
"What would we have to do?" Sasha asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Couples versus couples." I said as the boys each choked on their water.
"What?!" Seth exclaimed.
"I can't dance." Roman said blankly.
"Not interested." Dean shouted.
"Nope." Brock said sternly.
"You're all doing it end of story." I said with an innocent smile.
"I never agreed to this!" Nikki shouted as I rolled my eyes.
"Unfortunately you're apart of this group which means you're doing it." Sasha said.
"So what do you say ladies? You all down for some friendly competition?" I asked.
"I'm in." Galina said as Roman looked at her wide eyed.
"I don't really have a choice." Nikki said with a small laugh.
"I'm going to win." Sasha said with a grin.
"I hope you mean we." Dean said.
"So you're doing it?!" She exclaimed.
"No." Dean said.
"If you all don't do it then you won't get sex for a month." Galina threatened as they immediately nodded their heads.
"You know what dancing doesn't sound too bad." Roman said.
"Nah I don't know why I was even freaking out." Seth said.
"I know right man." Dean said as he chuckled.
"Still not doing it." Brock said again as I groaned.
"Please." I begged.
"Please! Brock please! Please!"
Brock groaned, "You're like a fucking child. Fine I'll do it."
"This isn't even fair! Nicole is a professional dancer! Brock has proven at the wedding he can dance! Sasha is a backup dancer! And Dean has the performing blood in him! I have no advantage!" Seth whined.
"Practice." I said.
"That's effort!" He yelled. "I don't want to put in effort."
"Then you shouldn't have agreed." I said as his eyes went wide with anger and shock.
"I didn't agree!"
"Actually you did." I said back.
"I'm gonna let my kids go into your room if you don't shut up." I threatened.
"That's my room though! You can't wager it off!" He shot back.
"Actually all of the rooms in this place are technically my rooms."
"No you said when you let me move in that it was my room!" Seth yelled.
"When I "let" you move in it wasn't because I wanted you here it was because it was the only way my brother would move in." I said sternly.
"Oh so that's how it is then?" Seth asked in anger.
"That's how it's always been Rollins." I shrugged.
"Fuck you." He said.
"No I have a better option." I said as I smiled. "Just leave."
"Does this happen a lot?" Nikki asked as Galina gave her a soft smile back.
"Yeah. They do this all the time." She said as Nikki nodded her head.
"Rollins I don't care!" I shouted.
"I do care!" Seth said.
"I don't care that you care!" I shot back.
"Oh so you don't care about my feelings now?!" Seth yelled.
"When did I ever say I cared about your feelings?!"
"Well it's common courtesy to care about your house guests!"
"I don't consider you a house guest I consider you a problem!"
"Children!" Roman yelled as we both went silent.
"Can we just pick the damn dances." He said sternly as I nodded my head.
"Fine." I said as I walked towards the kitchen. "But this isn't over Rollins."
"Wouldn't dream of it." He shot back.
"Okay." I said as I started writing the dances on little pieces of paper and putting them into a hat. "The choices are Samba, Cha Cha, Salsa, and The Waltz."
"Jesus could you have picked any harder ones?" Seth whined.
"You have no idea." I said as I held the bag out to him. "Pick."
He nodded as he reached his hand into the bag and quickly picked out a folded piece of paper.
"Don't look until we all get ours!" I said sternly.
"Roman." I said with a smile as he nervously picked out his piece of paper.
"Sasha." I said as she grinned and chose her dance.
"And the last one is ours." I said as Brock just stared at me blankly.
"On the count of three everyone shout out what you got." Sasha said.


"Samba." Seth said.
"Waltz." Sasha said with a small grin as Dean smiled brightly next to her.
"Cha Cha." Galina said with a large smile and Roman groaned loudly next to her.
"Salsa." I said with a smirk.
"Hey dude." Roman said as he turned to Dean. "Wanna trade?"
"Nope. I got the one I wanted the most." Dean said.
"Oh come on!" Roman whined. "Please!"
"You're on your own man." Dean said sympathetically.
"So." I said as everyone looked at me. "We need unbiased judges so I say we throw a party."
"You are just looking for a reason to throw a party aren't you?" Brock asked with a chuckle.
"Of course I am." I winked. "But anyways. Costumes, makeup, and production will also be a huge part about winning. In the ballroom I'll set times for each team to be able to practice. You have one week to master your dance."
"One week?!" Seth shrieked.
"Yes one week." I mocked.
"I don't think I can do this." Roman whined.
"I can do it." Dean shrugged.
"Yeah that's because you got the easiest dance out of all of us." Roman snapped.
"And she!" Seth shouted while pointing at me. "Can dance anything! I'm sure she could do all these dances in her sleep!"
"You're not wrong." I said.
"It doesn't matter. If everyone puts in the effort then you all should be able to do it. So quit fucking whining and just go with it." Brock said.
"We'll do it next Tuesday. I'll rent out a place in LA since that's where Raw is next week. That way people everyone from the company can show up considering most people don't fly out until Wednesday." I said.
"Great I get to embarrass myself in front of my coworkers." Roman said with a sigh.
"You'll do fine." I said as he looked at me and shook his head.
"No I won't." He said defeated.
"Is it only going to be people from the company?" Galina asked.
"No my family will also be there, our kids, and some celebrities if they can make it." I said nonchalantly.
"What?!" Nikki said with a huge smile.
"Yeah probably the some of the Kardashion/Jenners and a couple of rappers."
"We have to win!" Nikki said to Seth.
"Listen I don't know who you think I am but I don't dance very well." He said.
"Oh you'll do great!" She said not listening to him. "Can I invite Brie and Bryan?"
"Yeah of course. I don't put a limit on my parties. Invite your brother and your mom for all I care." I said with a shrug.
"Okay." She said with a smile.
"Listen everyone you have to pick your themes by tomorrow morning so I can pick an appropriate venue that can support whatever crazy ideas you guys may come up with." I said.
"We need to pick themes?" Dean asked incredulously.
"As I said before production and costumes are important. A waltz is a very romantic setting so I'm not sure you'll need an elaborate production set, but a dance such as the Cha Cha or Samba should have background dancers and colorful backgrounds to enhance the movements in the dance." I said as Seth let out a huge groan.
"Great just great." He said.
"I don't even know how you're doing all of this. Don't you have a custody battle to prepare for?" Seth whined.
"That's next week. Plus I know we're going to win. We have a lot more to offer that little boy and I know the judge will see that." I said confidently.
"We'll see." Brock said. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."
"I'm not." I protested. "I'm just saying I think we're gonna win."
"Yeah that's totally not getting a head of ourselves." Brock said as he rolled his eyes.
"Who are going to be the judges for this competition?" Dean asked changing the subject.
"I was going to ask Mike." I said.
"As in Mike The Miz?" Sasha asked.
"Yes and I was also going to ask Trinity and Phil." I said with a smile.
"Good choice. They all seem like they'd be unbiased." Roman said with a nod.
"Exactly. Plus I can't have all of you whining about me supposedly cheating when I kick your asses." I said with a wink.
"That's not gonna happen Lesnar." Sasha said with a frown.
"Oh really?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes." She replied back.
"Wanna bet?"

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