Chapter 32

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"Yeah you do. So where's my money?"

I stood in shock as the woman infront of me impatiently demanded a check.
"What's your name?" I asked sweetly as I shook myself out of the initial shock.
"Raquel Rodriguez." She said back in a monotone voice.
"Well Raquel." I said and then my tone drastically shifted, "First of all." I said with venom dripping from my voice.
"Ah fuck." Brock muttered as Roman looked at him and sighed.
"There's no stopping them now is there?" Roman whispered.
"Nope." Brock said.
"How the hell do you think it's okay for you to walk up to us and expect ME to hand you a check? My family isn't giving you a fucking dime. News flash bimbo we didn't know Aubrey had a kid. So don't you dare ask me for money again. I don't know if you've heard but my brother is dead." I said as I fought away the urge to cry, "and you come here months after he passed and tell me that there's a little version of him running around somewhere and the first thing you expect me to do is hand over a fucking check? No." I said sternly.
"We want a DNA test done against both of us. Nicole is his twin and I'm his half brother. If the results don't show that he is related to us then this is over. You don't get anything from either of us or our family." Dean said as he calmly placed his hand on Nicki's shoulder comfortingly.
"Fine." The woman said with attitude. "And by the way I'm not a bimbo." She said as she looked at me.
"Do you really think I was looking to get knocked up by your brother of all people? It's not my fault he failed to do his job at wearing a condom." She scoffed.
My head shot up instantly as Dean looked at her with a murderous expression.
"Do they never learn?!" Roman exclaimed as he shook his head and Brock shrugged his shoulders in defeat.
"What did you just say?!" I yelled.
"Last time I checked sex is a consensual thing." Dean said sternly.
"And you apparently weren't complaining if you got pregnant." I shot.
"You're an adult so start acting like one and take responsibility." Dean said.
"Expect a call from our lawyer about setting up a paternity test. But just so you know Ms. Rodriguez. If you're lying I will bury you and if you're not lying then I'm going to take that innocent child away from you." I said with a glare.
"And that's a promise." Dean said.
"He's my son!" She yelled.
"Clearly you only see him as a walking bank." I shot back as I went to grab her but Dean nodded to the security guard before I could.
"You can't take my son!" She screamed as we watched the man drag her out of the arena.
"I can and I will!" I yelled as I heard the door slam.
"Nicole?" Dean asked as he looked at me. "Are you okay?"
"No." I muttered. "How are you?" I asked him.
"Shocked." He said as he shook his head in disbelief.
"Amen to that." I said as I looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes.
"Lies. All fucking lies." I said bitterly.
"You fucking left! And all you did was lie when you were here!" I screamed as I wiped tears from my eyes.
"Nicole lets go." Brock said as he grabbed my hand.
"Dean." I said as I looked at him.
"Yeah?" He asked me softly.
"We're in this together." I said with a small smile as he nodded his head.
"Always. After all..." He started.
"You're my brother." I finished for him.
"You've caught on quick." He said as he winked and I walked off with Brock leading the way.
"What are you gonna do?" He asked me as we walked along the hall.
"I don't know." I said honestly.
"But I know one thing for sure." I said as I looked at him, "he's my nephew and I'm not going to let that woman exploit him for money."
"What are you saying?" Brock asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm saying if he's really Aubrey's kid I'm winning full custody of my nephew." I said as I opened the door to my locker room and walked in.
"We're winning full custody." Brock corrected as he looked at me with a smile.
"You really want to help me?"
"Nicole you treat my boys like they're yours. You've got me in your corner." He said as I smiled wide.
"I've got you?" I asked.
"You've got me."

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