Chapter 36

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I walked back into the house with Dean behind me.
"When are Roman and Galina flying in?" I asked.
"Wait they're coming?" Brock asked annoyed.
"Actually they're almost here." Seth said as I whipped my head in his direction. "What?!" I exclaimed.
"I haven't even told the boys yet!" I shouted as I walked over to the stair case and shouted their names.
"Duke! Turk! Come down here!" I yelled as they quickly made their way down the stairs.
"It's not my fault! I didn't do it!" They shouted in unison as Brock snorted.
"You aren't in trouble." I said as I looked at them.
"Oh." They said as they let out a sigh of relief.
"Why? Should you be?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No of course not!" Duke said offended.
"We are angels." Turk added on.
"That is far from the truth but fine." I said sarcastically.
"JoJo will be here soon." I said with a smile as the boys looked at me annoyed.
"Why?" Turk asked as he rolled his eyes.
"Yup you're definitely your fathers kid." I muttered.
"What was that?" Brock asked sternly.
"Nothing." I said as I looked at him and smiled.
"Boys." Dean said as he walked over. "JoJo is a nice girl don't you think?"
"I guess." Duke said.
"Then why don't you like her?" He asked.
"It's not that we don't like her it's just that we never wanted a sister and she's basically like an adopted one considering she's here once a week for 3 days." Turk said as Duke nodded in agreement.
"JoJo isn't your sister she's your friend." I said as I smiled sympathetically.
"She isn't here to make you feel like you have to hang out with her. Be nice that's all I'm asking. I know new people aren't your thing." I said as I looked at Brock, "I wonder where you got that from, but give her a chance. She's actually a pretty cool kid." I said as they reluctantly nodded.
"And just so you both know. Her uncle is the rock." Dean said as there eyes grew wide.
"Are you serious?!" They shouted.
"Dead serious." He said with a smirk. "If you're nice then maybe you'll get to meet him."
"Okay!" They said brightly.
"Don't listen to Uncle Dean." I said as I shot him a stern look.
"Why do you have to teach them to be nice only if they get something out of it?!"
"It worked didn't it." He said as he shrugged.
"That's the door. I'll go get it. Be nice." I said as I looked at everyone standing in the room.
"We always are!" Seth defended as he walked in from the kitchen.
"What were you doing in my kitchen?!" I said.
"Eating." He said blankly as I rolled my eyes.
"Doesn't Dean buy food for you when you show up?"
"Nope." He said as he shot a threatening look towards Dean.
"You have to feed me man."
"I hate you both." I muttered as I walked to the door.
"Hey guys!" I said as I smiled and opened the door.
"Hey Nicole." Roman said with a smile.
"Hey JoJo." I said as she ran through the door right past me and tackled Brock with a hug.
"Hi Brocky!" She exclaimed as everyone stood speechless.
"Hey princess." Brock said with a smile as he picked her up in his arms.
"How was that presentation you told me about? Did you knock it out of the park?" He asked as she nodded excitedly.
"That's my girl!" He shouted as he gave her a high five.
"Boys let's all get some ice cream to celebrate." Brock said as Turk and Duke nodded quickly as they followed their dad into the kitchen.
Everyone was silent as we watched them leave.
"Okay I'll be the first one to ask. When the fuck did that happen?" Roman asked surprised.
"Beats me." Dean said as he shrugged.
"Don't know." Seth said.
"Brock's good with her." Galina said as everyone looked at her like she had three heads.
"What?! He is!" She protested.
"So what's this about a wedding I hear?" Roman asked changing the subject.
"Oh yeah that." I said sheepishly.
"Oh yeah that." He mocked.
"It's due to the custody battle. Chances improve if I'm married." I said as I waved it off.
"Marriage isn't something to wave off." Roman said.
"It is when it means absolutely nothing." I shot back.
"Right." He said as he rolled his eyes.
"It isn't even gonna happen until they get the test results back." Dean said as he shrugged. "Everyone's getting worked up over nothing."
"If it comes back positive I'm totally being your wedding planner." Galina insisted as she smiled.
"Sure knock yourself out." I said as I shook my head.
"Aunty Nicki!" JoJo shouted as she walked back into the hall.
"What's up kiddo?" I asked.
"Brocky said I could go into Uncle Sethie's room and watch TV but he said to check with you first. Is it okay?" She said with an innocent smile.
"Check with her?! It's my room!" Seth exclaimed.
"Sure I don't care." I said.
"It's my room!" He said again as he sighed dramatically.
"Okay thank you!" She squealed as she skipped off into the kitchen.
"Joelle don't you dare go into my room!" Seth shouted.
"Hey don't yell at my kid." Roman said sternly.
"Man she's gonna go into my room!" Seth whined.
"Then go handle it like a big boy." Roman said back.
"Don't you see that's what I'm doing?!" Seth protested.
"No I see a little boy trying to stop a little girl from going into his room."
"Fuck you man." Seth scoffed as he walked into the kitchen in search of JoJo as we all followed him silently.
"How could you let her go into my room?!" Seth exclaimed as he stared at Brock.
"Rollins in case you've forgotten this is my house and I'm kind enough to let you stay here because you're best friends with Dean. That is the one and only reason why I tolerate you. You're room is actually my room if you want to get technical so in saying that JoJo is technically in my room." Brock said as he handed Duke a wipe to clean off his hands.
"No no that's not how this works buddy boy." Seth said as he shook his head.
"Is that so?" Brock asked as the phone began to ring.
"Let me tell you something..." Seth began but Dean quickly cut him off.
"Rollins shut up it's Hunter." He said as he handed me the phone and everyone looked on in silence.
"Hello?" I asked softly.
"Hey babygirl."
"Hey daddy. What's up?"
"You're mother got her DNA results back and so did Vince.
"I thought we weren't gonna find out until next week." I said confused.
"They put a rush on the results."
"What did it say?"
"It's a 99 percent match. Caleb is Aubrey's son."
"Oh my god." I said as I let out a huge sigh.
"It was a shock to us as well. I'll let you go but if you need anything just let me know. I love you."
"I love you too." I said as I quickly hung up the phone.
"What did he say?" Dean asked as Brock looked at me blankly.
"Caleb is our nephew." I said softly as Galina immediately threw her hands up in the air.
"I'm planning a wedding!" She shouted as she smiled brightly.

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