Chapter 28

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It was moving day in the McMahon-Lesnar home and to say it was chaotic would be an understatement.
"You didn't fucking tell me that Reigns and Rollins would be here." Brock groaned as he looked out the window.
"Shut up and start helping." I said with a stern look.
"Actually all three of you are gonna help." I said as I saw two heads poke out from behind the wall and slowly disappear once they heard me say the word help.
"Boys." I said as they both dragged their feet while walking over to me.
"Come on." I said as I pointed outside.
"But Nicole!" All three whined as I shook my head in disappointment.
"So none of you want to help that poor little girl carrying those boxes?" I said as I pointed to JoJo struggling to carry a huge box.
"Fine." They mumbled as they all walked out in front of me groaning.
"Fucking ridiculous." I muttered underneath my breath as I walked over to Dean.
"So you just had a few boxes huh?" I asked playfully.
"Well I might have underestimated the amount of stuff I owned." He said while scratching the back of his neck.
"You think?" I said as I laughed.
"Rollins put some work into it! Come on!" I yelled as he flipped me off while walking.
"I don't see you helping McMahon!" He shouted back.
"I own this place." I said.
"So do I and you still told me to help!" Brock whined.
"You know you'd be done a lot faster if you just stopped complaining." I said sarcastically.
"Wow she's such a bitch." Seth said as he walked alongside Brock.
"You have no idea." Brock replied while shaking his head.
"Is she always like this?" Seth asked.
"Yeah kinda." He said.
"Damn man I really feel for you."
"You know what thank you finally someone does feel bad for me for having to put up with that bullshit." Brock said as they disappeared inside the house and I rolled my eyes.
Fucking boys.
I thought to myself as I shook my head.
"Nicole!" Roman shouted as he walked over with a woman by his side.
"Hey Reigns!" I said as I smiled and pulled him into a hug.
"Nik this is my wife Galina." He said.
"Hi I'm Nicole McMahon." I said as I smiled and shook her hand.
"Galina Becker." She said with a smile back.
"So about JoJo's room." Roman said as he looked at me with a smirk.
"Okay listen, this man," I said as I pointed to Dean, "told me that she was obsessed with pink and the whole guest house was literally black and I know how it is to be a little girl and love pink so I redid the room for her." I rambled. "So long story short if you don't like it blame it all on Dean." I said with an innocent smile as Dean looked at me shocked.
"No don't fucking blame it on Dean. Because Dean did nothing!" He said as he shoved my shoulder.
"No she loves it." Roman said with a smile.
"It wasn't too much?" I asked honestly.
"No it wasn't and we really appreciate you trying to make her happy." Galina said.
"It's no problem. I'm just glad she likes it." I said.
"Like is an understatement." Roman said as he laughed.
"She hasn't stopped talking about it from the moment she saw it." Galina said as she rolled her eyes playfully.
"You have no idea how relieved that makes me." I said as we all chuckled until we were interrupted by a voice.
"Look she's still talking!" Turk said dramatically throwing his hands up in the air as Duke, Brock, and Seth all walked out behind him.
"Of course she is." Seth said as he rolled his eyes.
"She just wants the real men to do the job." Duke said as he puffed his chest out.
"Roman and Dean are standing right here." I exclaimed.
"Like he said. The real men are doing all the work." Seth said as he gave Duke a high five.
"Do you see what's happening right now?!" I said to Roman as he tried to hold in his laugh.
"Yes I do." He said as nonchalantly as possible.
"These kids are going to be the death of me." I sighed.
"They seem to get along with you really well." Galina said as she smiled.
"Yeah ever since I met them I guess we just connected." I shrugged.
"It's your maternal instincts kicking in." Dean said as he raised his eyebrows up and down.
"Dean I'm going to kill you." I said as I looked at him annoyed.
"Do it. I dare you." He urged.
"Fuck you Dean."
"Actually that's Brock's job."
"Okay kids!" Roman exclaimed as he bursted out laughing.
"Daddy! Daddy!" JoJo shouted as she ran up to us.
"Yeah baby?" He asked as he kneeled down to her level.
"Brock says this place has a bowling alley, a golf simulator, and a basketball court!" She said with a huge smile.
"It does." I assured her and Roman looked at me shocked.
"What doesn't this place have?" He asked playfully.
"To be honest I don't know." I said as I pretended to think.
"If it's anything like Deans house then it's probably nothing short of amazing." Galina said.
"How much was it?" Dean asked curiously.
"Almost 12 million dollars." I said as Roman choked on air.
"What?!" He exclaimed.
"How...I mean know that you're...but how?" He asked while trying to form coherent words.
"Well Brock and I make a lot of money." I said honestly. "And we know this situation isn't for the long run but we've decided together that when it's time I'll move out and he'll have the house to himself." I said as I looked at Turk help JoJo pick up a box.
"Are you sure you want to leave this place?" Dean asked.
"Well like you said a couple days ago. I've never been a Minnesota girl and Brock's boys live here now. They've become accustomed to being here. I'd never want to uproot their lives like that." I said.
"But Nicole they've already become attached to you. Don't you think you leaving would do just as much damage?" Galina asked honestly.
"Trust me they aren't that attached to me."
"Nicole! Help me!" Turk whined as I looked over and saw him on the ground holding his knee alongside JoJo.
"You sure they aren't attached to you?" Dean said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes at him and then refocused my attention back on the kids.
"What happened?!" I exclaimed as I ran over to them.
"I'm coming." Roman said but Galina put her arm up to stop him.
"No don't." She said as she looked over.
"Watch her." She said softly as I looked behind myself confused as to where Roman was.
"Hey JoJo look at me hunny." I said softly as she lifted her face up and I could see the tears forming in her eyes.
"What happened?" I asked them.
"I was helping her carry a box and we tripped." Turk sobbed.
"Does anything feel broken?" I asked.
"No." They mumbled.
"What hurts?"
"My knee." JoJo said.
"Here can I take a look?" I asked.
"Yeah." She said softly.
I slowly lifted up her pink legging and I saw a scrape that went across her knee.
"Brock get me a bandaid and a wet cloth with hydrogen peroxide!" I shouted.
"Okay." I heard him shout back as he walked into the house.
"Turk are you okay?" I asked him.
"I was just scared." He said as he latched onto me.
"I know baby." I said as I rubbed his back.
"Here you go." Brock said as he walked up to me.
"Turk why don't you sit with me so Nicole can help JoJo okay?" Brock asked as he sat down next to me.
All Turk did was silently nod as he slowly let go of me and sat with Brock.
"Okay hun this is gonna sting a little okay?" I said to her.
"Okay." She said, "can I hold your hand?" She asked me.
"Of course you can." I said with a smile as I gently placed the rag on her cut.
"Do you want a pink bandaid?" I asked her.
"You have a pink one?!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah, but don't tell Uncle Dean about them. He'll try and steal them from you." I said with a wink.
"Daddy says you're Uncle Dean's sister." She said to me.
"Yeah I am." I said softly.
And then before I knew it she threw herself onto me and hugged me tight.
"Uncle Dean always wanted a sister. He always told me not to tell anyone though." She said quietly. "He told me that he was the villain in the story who never got a happy ending, but I feel like that's not true. Uncle Dean always saves me. He's my hero." She said as she rested her head on my shoulder.
I felt Turk move in Brock's lap as Brock shifted closer to me and I felt his arm wrap around my waist soothingly.
"Uncle Dean saved me too." I said softly as I hugged her back tighter.
"Really?" She asked me as she raised her head to look at me again with a smile.
"Yeah really." I said back smile of my own.
"Look at them Dean." Galina said as they watched the sight in front of them.
"She's great with them." Roman said.
"She's gonna be a great mom some day." Galina said honestly.
"They look like a family." Dean said with a soft smile.

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