Chapter 22

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I walked to the back with Brock behind me as everyone congratulated us on our victory.
"Amazing twist McMahon." Xavier Woods said as he smiled.
"Oh that?" I said pointing to the replays on the tv. "It was nothing!" I said as we both laughed.
"Nicole!" I heard and I internally groaned.
"Time to face the music. I'll catch up with you later Woods." I said as he nodded and left.
"Yes Aubrey?" I said with a fake smile as he angrily approached me.
"What the fuck was that?!" He yelled.
"That my dear brother was an example of outsmarting your opponent. You should try it sometime. Maybe then you'll actually manage to get a win." I said with a wink as I walked by him and ignored his attempts to call my name.
As I walked through the halls I admired the stages and sets the crew had made for tonight's entrances. Jesus do I even pay them enough for all this? I asked myself mentally but a movement in the hallway next to me caught my attention.
"Seth we can't do this here. Somebody will catch us." I heard a female voice say as a man pulled the woman into a kiss.
"Nobody will see." The man said as I quietly gasped.
Is that Seth Rollins? And Nikki Bella?
This could be good for me. I thought to myself.
"My my my is our little Sethie having an affair with a Bella Twin?!" I said with a wicked grin as I walked towards the brunette and the hound.
"Nicole please." Seth begged but I cut him off.
"Shut up right now I'm talking." I said as I shook my head, "imagine how disappointing it would be for Super Cena to find out his precious Latina Barbie is having an affair with a dog." I said as I cackled.
"Nicole please you can't tell him." Nikki begged as she stepped away from Seth.
"Rollins leave us." I said as I smiled at her.
"Now." I said sternly.
"Seth just go." Nikki said defeated as she looked down towards the ground.
"Fine." He mumbled as he looked at her once more before he turned around and walked out of the room.
"Now I for one have never been Super Cena's biggest fan. Matter of fact we don't really like each other but that's public news and totally besides the point." I said with a smile.
"But even though I don't like him it doesn't mean I don't recognize what he has done for you here. Stephanie Nicole Garcia-Colace!" I shouted with emphasis as she flinched, "The Women's Champion! But everyone knows you only got that title because of your boyfriend John Cena. Because The Bella Twins were nothing more then a pair of models the company hired for magazines, but then the news broke that Nikki Bella started dating the great John Cena.
The 14 time world champion.
The face of this company for more then a decade. You got more appearances, red carpet events, championships, and tv time then all of these women backstage combined because you were dating the man who has even more sway over this company then Ric Flair does. For fucks sake you both were labeled this generations super couple in WWE. You were the next Triple H and Stephanie McMahon in the making. And you repaid the man that gave you all of that by cheating on him?! You are another thing in itself Ms. Garcia. Am I shocked? Nope. Am I glad? Why yes, yes I am." I said with a wicked smile.
"Why are you glad?" She asked softly as she continued to look down at the floor.
"Because you are going to work for me now." I said.
"What?!" She said with a panicked look on her face as she lifted her head and stared at me.
"You and your sister are going to betray your team tonight to help mine. Unless of course you want Super Cena finding out about a certain dog? Has he checked you for fleas yet?" I mocked.
"You know Ms. Garcia, not only do we have the same name but we also share the fact that we both are a twin. I know the bond that twins have and that's why I have no doubt you'll be able to convince Brianna to help you." I said with a smile.
"But I suggest you convince your sister soon or else I may have to spread a little rumor about Barbie cheating on Super Man with a street dog. I think you and I both know everyone would love to hear about that."
"Choose wisely Nicole. Your future as Mrs. Cena depends on it." I said with a wicked smirk as I turned and walked away.

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