Chapter 46

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The group had all filed into a car as we all headed to the bar in anticipation for the night ahead.
"So what do you know?" Brock said quietly.
"I've known about them since Survivor Series. I caught them making out and I was blackmailing Nikki to turn on my mom and help our team win otherwise I threatened to tell Super Cena about it." I said in an innocent tone of voice.
"Of course you blackmailed her." He said with a playful eye roll.
"Do you expect anything less?" I asked him.
"Nope. Is that why she's been so quiet around all of us? Does she think we all know?" Brock asked with a laugh.
"Probably." I said with a shrug. "But who the fuck cares. As far as I'm concerned she's not even one of us."
"And what exactly does that mean? I didn't know we were an exclusive group." Brock laughed.
"Well we all either are family, best friends, or we live together. She fits in none of those categories. Her only claim to anything is the fact she's sucking Rollins dick."
"Who are we talking shit about?" Dean said as he looked at us with Sasha on his lap.
The SUV we rented only had seats for 7 not including the drivers seat so every couple besides Brock and I had to double up on a seat.
"The Barbie sitting on Rollins dick." I said as Dean and Sasha followed my gaze.
"Did you know they were a thing?" I asked him.
"Nope. Seth never told me or Roman." He said.
"In the locker room she'd always disappear for long periods of time. Some of the women would tease her about it and insinuate that "she must've had a good time with John" but everytime one of us did it she'd clam up and get really quiet. I never thought anything of it until I found out tonight that they were a thing." Sasha said as I nodded my head in understanding. "Do you think they were a together that whole time?" She asked.
"I don't think it. I know it." I said.
"Wait what?" Dean asked confused.
"I caught them together the night of Survivor Series." I said as Dean stared daggers into the back of Seth's head.
"I can't believe he didn't tell me or that he was her fucking secret!" He exclaimed as Sasha quickly put her hand over his mouth to stop him from screaming.
"They don't know that we know so shut up!" Sasha said sternly.
"I respect you Banks." I said with a wink.
"Likewise Lesnar." She replied with a wink of her own.
"Ms. Banks what do you say we make the Barbie feel as unwelcome as possible tonight?" I said with a wicked smirk.
"Well Mrs. Lesnar I think that's a wonderful idea." She said.
"This was the worst idea possible." Dean said as both him and Brock groaned.
"What was the worst idea?" Sasha asked offended.
"The fact that I let you too hang out together. You're not good for each other. You bring out each other's bad sides!" Dean exclaimed.
"Do not!" Sasha and me yelled.
"Do too!" Dean shot back.
"The more you say I'm wrong the less chance you have of getting laid tonight." Sasha said as Dean immediately shut up.
"That's what I thought." She said as she smirked.
"We're here!" Ashley yelled from the front seat.
"Thank god." Brock mumbled as my head quickly turned to his direction.
"What was that?" I asked sternly.
"Nothing." He said as he climbed out with me right behind him.
"It better have been nothing." I said with a glare.
"Okay!" Roman said as he eyed Brock and I, "table is all set up. Let's go in."
We all walked into the bar and were immediately taken aback by the music and lights blaring around us. It seemed more like a night club then a bar.
"This is a bar?" Brock asked skeptically as we all shrugged.
"It'll serve its purpose for the night." I said as everyone agreed.
"Shall we start the night off with a dance?" I asked as Tessa and Ashley immediately agreed.
"Sasha!" I said in a sing song voice. "Do you want in?"
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Listen I know you can fucking dance so you better say yes." I playfully threatened as she laughed.
"I'm in."
"Yay!" I exclaimed.
"Galina? You wanna dance with us babygirl?" I asked with a wink.
"What song?" She asked curiously.
"Aubrey's song In My Feelings." I said.
"Oh my god I actually know that dance!" She shouted gleefully. "Yes yes yes! I'd love to dance with you!"
"Are you sure?" Roman asked.
"Don't take this away from me!" She said sternly as he backed away with his hands up in mock surrender.
"Good try." Seth said with a laugh.
"Nikki Bella." I said as she looked at me confused.
"Yeah?" She asked.
"Would you care to join us?" I asked.
"Oh I uh...I can't dance." She said sheepishly.
"You can't dance?" I repeated.
"I can't. I wish I could though." She said honestly.
"Well you're the only woman in our little crew that can't." I said trying to make her feel out of place. "But hey it's okay! We all know why Seth really keeps you around."
"Nicole." Brock said in a disapproving tone.
"I went too far with that one. Just forget I said anything. Even if it is true. I still shouldn't have said it. My apologies." I said with a fake smile.
"Alright ladies!" I yelled as the music started. "Places!"
The music began and we all started to dance in sync while the whole club began to watch.
"Damn." Roman breathed out as he watched his wife dance with the other girls.
"I knew Sasha could dance but this is hot." Dean said with a smirk.
"It's different when it's your woman dancing like that huh?" Brock said with a laugh of understanding.
"You have no idea." Roman said.
"Actually I do." Brock said with a wink.
"I feel for that girl over there." Roman said honestly as he quickly glanced at the girl on Seth's arm staring uncomfortably towards the women dancing ahead of her.
"My wife is a lot of things but when she decides she doesn't like someone it's really hard to get her to change her mind." Brock said as Dean nodded.
"Sashas the same way."
"What's Nicole's problem with Nikki anyway?" Roman asked curiously.
"She doesn't respect her. She thinks The Bella's were handed everything because of the men they were with." Brock said as Roman nodded.
"She's not all that bad." Dean said with a shrug. "I wouldn't associate with her and she's definitely not the type of chick I'd get with, but she's quirky and she's funny. I can see why Cena was with her and why Rollins is with her now. I think if my sister gave her a chance she'd really like her."
"Now that she's buddy buddy with Sasha I doubt they'll stop trying to torment the poor girl." Roman said as Brock and Dean nodded.
The song had finished and the girls were now dancing with each other and paying no mind to the men staring at them.
"Why don't we go introduce ourselves?" Roman asked as Brock and Dean looked at him unsure.
"I don't know man. I'm really not trying to get in a fight with Nicole tonight." Brock said as Dean agreed.
"It'll mean a lot to Seth if we try and you both know it." Roman said.
"What the fuck do I care?" Brock snorted.
"He's like your annoying little brother don't fucking lie." Dean said as Brock sighed.
"Fine." He said as they all walked over to her.
"Hi. I know you know us from backstage interactions and everything but I don't think we've been formally introduced outside of the ring." Roman said as he looked at a stunned Nikki Bella, "my name is Joe but I'd prefer if you called me Roman."
"I'm Jonathon but please call me Dean. Jonathon sounds too fancy." He said as he fake gagged which caused her to let out a small giggle.
"And I'm Brock." Brock said as he caught her panicked expression on her face when he reached out his hand for her to shake.
"It's okay." Brock said with a genuine smile. "I don't bite."
"Sorry." She said softly as she took his hand and shook it.
"Don't worry about it." Brock said as Roman spoke up.
"We'd also like to apologize for our girls. They can be a little overprotective over there friends and us."
"It's okay." She said. "I'm the same way with Brie so I understand."
"You just need to give them some space and let them know you're not here to gain popularity or anything. They're worried you're only here to get in with our family." Dean said.
"That's the furthest from the truth." She said as they all nodded.
"Galina is harmless, but just be careful when it comes to my wife and Sasha. They are more alike then Dean and I ever thought and seeing them together we've realized they have similar attitudes towards people who threaten their own which makes them as you've already seen tonight...ruthless." Brock said as Nikki softly nodded.
"They know I love you though." Seth said. "So they won't do anything drastic."
"I hope not." Nikki said.
"I highly doubt..." Roman began to say but he was cut off by someone clearing their throat.
"What's going on here?" I asked as Sasha and Galina walked up to the group with their arms crossed over their chests.
"Nothing." Brock said as I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Well honey I don't think it was nothing." I said as I hugged him with a fake smile. "She's talking to you and you're letting it happen."
"Roman can we speak over there...alone." Galina said as Roman nodded his head.
Sasha and I watched as they walked off and we sighed.
"Listen Barbie." Sasha said as she took a step forward with me right by her side. "I don't appreciate you talking to my man."
"Neither do I." I added as I glared at her. "You may be with Seth which means we have to tolerate you, but what we won't tolerate is you talking to our men. You have a reputation of cheating and dating top and current wrestlers. As a matter of fact Sasha didn't she cheat on Dolph Ziggler with John Cena?"
"I think she did Nicki." Sasha said with a fake laugh, "and she also cheated on John with Seth. You're quite the player."
"A player who won't be taking my husband away from me or my brother away from her. If I ever hear about you trying to do anything with them I promise you I will ruin The Bella Twins. I will destroy the reputation you have gained in and out of the ring. And that historic divas title reign you like to boast about so much will be gone. I will personally bring the title back just so I can give it to another woman and she can become the longest reigning divas champion. I will make you and your sister jobbers for Sasha. Then my dear Barbie you will have absolutely nothing left in this company. You will wish that you could quit but unfortunately for you your contract won't let you. So you'll be living in hell or more accurately my hell where I control you and your fate." I threatened as Sasha smirked by my side.
"Have a nice night Barbie and please stay close to Seth." Sasha said with a wink as we locked arms and walked away.
"Well that went great." Dean said.
"Yeah totally." Brock said as he snorted.
"You talk to Nicole and I'll talk to Sasha?" Dean asked.
"Well I'm already in trouble anyway I might as well be a dick." Brock said as he shrugged.
"Good luck man." Dean said.
"I'll fucking need it." Brock said.
"Nicole!" Brock yelled.
"Oh great here comes the lecture." I said to Sasha as I rolled my eyes.
"I think I'm getting "the stare" from Dean which means I'm most likely getting yelled at as well." She said.
"Don't give in!" I said jokingly as she laughed.
"Wouldn't dream of it babe." She said as she winked and walked away towards my brother.
"Nicole!" Brock yelled again as I turned around with a fake smile on my face.
"Yes darling?"
"We need to talk." He said as I nodded.
"Fine. Talk." I said blankly as he grabbed my hand and led me towards the out cove where the bathrooms were placed.
"Why did you do that?" He asked.
"Because I don't trust her!" I exclaimed.
"Or is it that you don't trust me?" He questioned.
"That's not it and you know it." I scoffed.
"She isn't going to take me from you!" He argued.
"Well how the fuck do I know that?! I might not like Super Cena but he was Randy's best friend when I was with him. I saw how devastated John was when he got divorced. It nearly broke him! And she knew that. Yet she still broke his heart. She used that man. Just like she's used every other man she's ever been with! I don't trust her around you or Dean. I wouldn't even trust her around Roman for god sakes!"
"Nicole you need to calm the fuck down." Brock said.
"No I don't!" I argued.
"Yes you do."
"I can't!"
"Why not?!" Brock said frustrated.
"Because I love you! Don't you fucking get it?! I can't lose you to anyone especially to her! We've built a family Brock! Do you understand that?! Your boys call me mama. My brother treats you like your another sibling to him! I'm your fucking wife! We're petitioning for custody of a little boy who's so little he'll only ever know you as his father and me as his mother!" I yelled. "I lost one brother! He died! He was robbed from me! I won't let my time with you be robbed from me too!"
"Nicole." Brock said softly.
"Don't." I said sternly as I looked towards the ground. "I don't need your fucking pity."
"Then how about this?" He asked as he placed his finger under my chin and lifted my head towards him.
"What are you doing?" I asked softly.
"What do you think I'm doing Nicole?" Brock asked as he closed the distance between him and I.
"Something we'll both regret." I whispered.
"Why would we regret something that was bound to happen from the first moment that we met?" He asked and before I could reply he crashed his lips against my own.
"What say...we get out of here?" I asked breathlessly between kisses.
"I thought you'd never ask." He said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and sent a wink towards Dean signaling that we were leaving.

Tonight was going to be a wild one.

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