Chapter 20

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After I had received the text from Dean I went to my locker room and changed into my dress and heels for tonight while Johnny finished touching up my makeup and helped me put my red wig on.
"Are you gonna watch the end of the match? Is that why you wanted me to do your hair now?" He asked curiously.
"No. I have an impromptu meeting." I said as I smiled and got out of the chair.
"All set?" I asked him.
"You are. You look gorgeous!" He exclaimed as I looked in the mirror.
I was wearing simple glam from my performance. I had on a nude dress with red heels to match my red wig I was wearing. I was satisfied with this look.
"See you later for the final look?" I asked as I grabbed my phone from the table.
"Of course." He assured me as I walked out of the locker room.
As I was walking down the corridors of the arena my mind kept racing with questions.
Why would Ambrose want to see me?
What does he want?
Is he backing out of the deal?
That's all that was going through my head as I walked to the loading area. Eventually I made it and I looked around waiting to see a sign of him.
"Over here." Dean said as he lurked behind a production crate.
"What am I doing here Ambrose?" I asked harshly as I walked over to the side of the crate he was on.
"Listen I don't like you." He said bluntly.
"That's why you wanted me here? To tell me that you don't like me? Well guess what the feelings fucking mutual." I whisper yelled.
"Why the hell are you whispering nobody can hear us back here." He asked as he tried to hold back a small laugh.
"Whatever Ambrose." I said as I rolled my eyes.
"And I asked you to meet me here because although I don't like you. I don't like your mother even more. She treats me and the boys like her pets that she can tell what to do."
"So what are you suggesting?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm thinking you let the hounds loose." He smirked.
"Free reign?" I asked incredulously.
"Yup." He said.
"And why would I allow that? You boys can't be trusted. You're dogs. Loyal to a fault but when given a small amount of freedom you run." I said.
"Yeah we'll run." He said as he looked at me annoyed, "unfortunately we'll run straight to you." He said.
"I may hate it but you offer us so much more then Stephanie and any dog would go for that type of bone darlin."
"Let the hounds loose and I guarantee you that your little boy toy will win his match." He said as he gave me a knowing look.
"Guaranteed victory?" I asked.
"Guaranteed victory." He assured.
"Fine." I groaned, "but Ambrose. Don't make me regret it." I said sternly.
"Oh don't worry darlin you won't." He said as I turned to walk away.
"Oh and McMahon!" He called out to me.
"Yes?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I turned to face him one last time.
"Don't tell the boys about this meeting. If they knew they wouldn't go for it. And I don't think you can risk Brock not winning considering you and I both know he's only in it for the title." He said.
He knew.
"And what makes you think Brock's only in it for the title?" I asked curiously while trying to keep my composure.
"I may be new to this company but I'm not new to this business. I've wrestled for 12 years and I've done my homework. Brock Lesnar has a reputation of doing what's best for Brock Lesnar. And let's be honest darlin you are a risk to bet on. Your mother on the other hand. She has power and money and she's never walked away from this place which makes her reliable...unlike you who has walked away. He had a sweet deal with your family. Show up once and get paid 2 million a match. And now what? You expect people to believe he all of a sudden fell in love with a princess and decided to leave his cushion of a deal for a woman who has no reputation except for one of leaving? Lesnar is a lot of things. But he isn't stupid. He is a business man. Which means there was a business deal put in place. Everyone else likes to believe in fantasy's and fairy tales, but I've never been one to believe in them. I've always been one to see past the bullshit. So I'll ask you this one time am I wrong darlin?" He asked with an innocent tone of voice.
He knew and for some reason that scared me. Dean Ambrose is a scary man. Not for the reasons many would assume. He's scary because he's unpredictable. And coming from a woman who is just like him. You don't want to mess with crazy.
"They won't hear a thing from me." I said as I avoided his question.
"Okay." He said as continued to stare at me.
"And don't worry McMahon. Your secrets safe with me. Nobody needs to know their precious fairytale is just that. A fairy tale." He said as he winked.
I nodded with a look of understanding.
"But keep in mind. Not all fairytales have a happy ending." He said as he walked past me and continued down the hall until all that was left was the echoing of the fans cheering as the first match of the night ended.
"But keep in mind. Not all fairytales have a happy ending."
Did Dean Ambrose just threaten me?

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